លទ្ធផលស្វែង​រក​សម្រាប់ "ងក៝ចនទ្រ៝ង"

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ងក៝ចVrecount, relate, narrate, share, tell, talk, give an accountងក៝ចងក្លាៈcomp.1recount or tell what one has been experiencing'Bunor'.SynDកាប្លាៈ2fabricate a story; make up a false story; k.o. lieងក៝ចនទ្រ៝ងcomp.recount the story of your ancestorsងក៝ចនាវcomp.recount informationSynល៝នាវcomp. ofល៝ងក៝ចនាវឆាក់នើមcomp.recount personal story/backgroundងក៝ចយៅទែសcomp.recount recent family history in order to establish whether you are related to sbd elseងក៝ចឞ្រីcomp.ងក៝ចឞ្រីលោកាVintrrecount the news of the day, talk about current events, shoot the breezeខាន់​ពាង់​តឹម​ងក៝ច​ឞ្រី​អី​លែៈ​នាវ​គែស​នៃ។They talked about all the things that had happened.XPRងក៝ចឞ្រីងក៝ចទាកងក៝ចឞ្រីរាហីយៅcomp.recount about all kinds of things; shoot the breeze; to talk about the details of events during separation??ងក៝ចឞ្រីលោយៅcomp.Vintrtalk about various things at length
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