
ទាសអ្យាEXCLlike thatពាង់​អ៝ន់​គ៝ប់​ទាសអ្យា​ទើម***
ទិN1size, dimension, area, surface2width
ទិញCfក៝ស2ក្រាបក្រែកខ្វឹខ្វៅគ្រុងគ្លាត់ចែងច្រែបច្វាស1ច្វាស2ឆឹតឆោងជានជីកញឆាត់តឹងតឹងនទោៈcomp. ofតឹងទ្រ៝យ្សទ្រុនទ្រើនទ្រើមនទ៝ប់នទុយនទោតនទោៈប្ហុតព្ល៝យព្លឹរាគាន់រាញោនរាទោស2រាព្រ៝ៈរាលូរាឞុលរាអ្យើបរុនទ្រុនរើនទ្រើនរោតតោត2លាប់លោសវានវាសឞ្រុលឞ្រែបឞ្រោៈហាន់អ៝ន់2អ្យើបVto beat sth w/ stick on stone, to hammerទិញអ្យ្រាម់comp.to beat with a hard object
ទីADJaccurate, on the mark, correct, right, exact, trueពាង់ហាន់ត្រ៝ងទី***Antកាតីសតីស 1
ទីងCLFone of a pair ទូទីង***Synដាស1
ទីនNឈ្មុស​ប្រែង (ពពួក​ខ្លា​ឃ្លុំ​)'Bunor'.SynDកាទីម
ទីម2Vto harness up (cows to a cart)
ទីស1NoutsideSynអាទីសcomp. ofអា3ឞើសទីសcomp.1outside2outside
ទីស21Ntaboo relationship (e.g. considered incestuous to have a sexual relationship with certain close blood relatives), forbidden sexual relationship2ADJoffensivecomp.នាវទីសនាវ
ទឹVspend, buy or sell things of value e.g. buffalo, motorcycleតា​ឞ្រី​នៃ​ពាង់​ទឹ​ញរីស​ទ្រាប់​នទើ​ពាង់​នើម​ត៝ត់​លែៈ។In that country he handed his things out wastfully until all was gone.Traditionally used to describe the exchange of items of great value. Not usedfor selling when used to buy other things, but when just for taking money.comp.កាល់ទឹកាល់1
ទឹកNslave, servant
ទឹង11CONJonly then, just, thenពែ​នតីលឆាមាញជ្រាង់ឆាក់ជាន់ទឹងគៃមាលើយអ៝ន់គែសនាវជីលាប់Eating food from the three food groups will help prevent you from getting sick. -or- Eating three kinds (of food groups) to protect the body, so that (one) may not get sick.2CONJwillSynជឹត3 1តៃ2ទាស1ទាស4ទឹង3មរាលើ23verbprtMODALSimតា 4comp.លើយទឹងលើយ2ទឹងទើយcomp.ADVin order to successfully doជាន​នអា​ទឹង​ទើយ***
ទឹង2ADVinclusive of, includingទឹងឞូទឹងគ៝ប់all of us, they and me
ទឹង3PRO.Qប៉ុណ្ណាSynជឹត3 1តៃ2ទាស1ទាស4ទឹង1 2មរាលើ2ទឹងក្វ៝ង់?comp.how big?ទឹងនៃcomp.like this
ទឹង4Nbamboo containerទឹងកាម់comp.quiverទឹងង៝ៈcomp.cup made of a bamboo segmentទឹងងការcomp.bamboo container used to cook foodទឹងងការកោៈcomp.small bamboo container, e.g. for saltទឹងតូងcomp.k.o. bamboo containerទឹងតូចcomp.bamboo container used for planting riceទឹងត្រាវcomp.bamboo container with or for foodទឹងនោសcomp.bellows (made of wood or bomb casing)ទឹងពាច់comp.two sections of bamboo lashed together for drinking rice wine during ceremoniesទឹងព្រ៝សcomp.k.o. bamboo containerទឹងព្រូងcomp.bamboo segment to cook vegies/soup inទឹងរានេតcomp.k.o. bamboo containerទឹងរាលាcomp.k.o. bamboo containerទឹងល៝យ្សcomp.bomb casing used to cook food inទឹងឞ៝ងcomp.length wise split bamboo segment for watering e.g. pigs
ទឹង5preV1RESULT; indicates the result in a REASON:RESULT cluase relationship; as a result; consequence2reason, so thatម៝សនាវទឹងខាន់ពាង់ហាន់តាមីរឆារ់?Why did they go to the old field?3consequence