You are currently viewing the trilingual (Bunong, Khmer & English) Bunong Webonary site last updated in 2015. The latest (bilingual—Bunong & English) Bunong Webonary site is available at this link: Bunong_2022.



dict front cover v2.5.1

One comment

  1. Carola P. Myers says:

    We are assisting a large medical facility provide written medical test results to their patients. One patient has indicated his native language is Bunong. I would like to locate an English to Bunong translator. Any assistance would be appreciated. I can provide the medical results for evaluation.

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(English) Find List of Word

ញហូ [ɲhu] V to scare, haunt, to appear (of a ghost) លង; បន្លាច comp. ងើយញហូ
ញហូក [ɲhuk] N smoke, mist ផ្សែងហុយ; ធូលីហុយ
ញហូម [ɲhum] ADV together with ស្រុះគ្នា SynD: ញឆូម; SynD: នទ្រែល 1; Synonyms: នទ្រែល 1.
ញហើ [ɲhɵ] V to show, display បង្ហាញ
ញហើត [ɲhɵt] V to be lost វង្វេង SynD: ហ្យើត.
ញហើប sharp as a razor
ញហើរ [ɲhɵr] cf: Compare: យើរ. V 1to lift hands up, (including surrender in war), Christians: to sacrifice លើកដៃ 2sacrifice ថ្វាយ
ញហោរនហ៝ម់ [ɲhor nhɔ̆m] V to breathe ដក​ដង្ហើម
ញហ្យាង់ [ɲhjăŋ] cf: Compare: អ្យ្ហឹម, នទ្រៅ. V to cry, whine, call (animal) យំ​ (សត្វ) comp. ញហ្យាង់ជឹល , comp. ញហ្យាង់ដែ
ញហ្យាង់ជឹល [ɲŭm c̤ə̆l] (comp. of ញហ្យាង់) to whine, cry (louder) [METAPHOR]?? ឈ្លូស​ស្រែក​​យំ (ពេល​ជាប់​អន្ទាក់)
ញហ្យាង់ដែ [ɲŭm ɗɛ] (comp. of ញហ្យាង់) to whine or cry a little,whimper, lit: crying (like a) mouse[METAPHOR]?? កណ្ដុរ​ស្រែក (ពេល​ជាប់​អន្ទាក់)
ញហ្យារ់₁ [ɲhăr] N ចំបក់ comp. តើមញហ្យារ់
ញហ្យារ់₂ [ɲhăr] N split bamboo used in making the walls of a house ជញ្ជាំងបន្ទាំ​ឫស្សី
ញហ្វាច [ɲhwac] cf: Compare: នទុយ្ស​តោរ, នទុយ្ស. V 1to regret, too bad, what a pity ស្ដាយ SynD: ឆុច. 2to lose (in business), loss ខាត
ញអោ [ɲʔo] ADV just, only then, just now, [BuSra: jeGa] ទើប​; បម្រុង
ញអ៝ស V 1to expel (air out of sth) បន្ធូរ (ខ្យល់) 2to relax បន្ធូរ (អារម្មណ៍)
ញអូង [ɲʔuŋ] cf: Compare: ញហឹរ. V comfort បំ​ពេ Sim: ញហឹរ; Sim: ឞ៝ញ 1; Sim: ដិច; Sim: ញជូង.
ញអោត [ɲʔot] (dial. var. ញោត) V to carry in the hand, to hold in the hand កាន់ Synonyms: អ្យោត.
ញអាត់₁ V បន្សុទ្ធ
ញអាត់₂ V រង​ចាំ; ចាំសិន
ញអុន [ɲʔŭn] V to transport sth/sbd បញ្ជូន SynD: ញជុន.
ញអោមា ទើបតែ
ញអែវ [ɲʔɛw] N sickle កណ្ដៀវ
ញអឹ PREP waiting until, while waiting ទម្រាំ Synonyms: មពើ, មពើ.
ញអើស [ɲʔɵ̆h] V to destroy បង្ខូច

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