
Caning Alphabet Order


The words in this dictionary are listed according to the order of the Caning letters.  Caning has 27 letters, and they are in the following order.


Caning Alphabet
A a [a] apang man
Ä ä [ə̝] angäxäsic fly
B b [ɓ] banyag warthog
C c [c] cabär mountain
D d [d] deny cow
ꞌD ꞌd [ɗ] ꞌdax stork
E e [ɛ] eg giraffe
F f [f] faranycal tomato
G g [g] gax walking stick
I i [i] is dog
J j [ʄ] jengic pencil
K k [k] kuppa hoe
L l [l] lu hockey game
M m [m] mägax buffalo
N n [n] anapalic bow, arrow
Ng ng [ŋ] ngaluwec bell
Ny ny [ɲ] nyingäs rat
O o [ɔ] osox lion
P p [p] pipi baby
R r [r] racca necklace
S s [s] sicci planting stick
T t [t] tumun ostrich
U u [u] ux woman
W w [w] winic vulture
X x [x] xong sun
Y y [y] yog fish trap
Z z [z] zax roof of house