hàmtá 1hold to one's chest, embrace in one's bosom Hamta, kadau koba. 2wrap (up) Hamta wa kadau tudu.
hân come A caav han bat ta̱m gab vo.
hànà feel warmth of fire by sitting near it Lag a̱m hana hwela am noka.
há̱nà̱ withdraw, stand apart Em ha̱na̱ ha̱na̱ a un wa na.
hànhànà yellowish, pinkish, orange colour We̱cke̱d emk hanhana, da̱ bo̱pka̱m ena.
há̱nkà̱lí prudence, good sense Em ha̱nka̱li, kada oba̱l ep vo.
hà̱nù brother, sister, relative, sibling A̱m he̱nke̱ be̱ ha̱nu ni le̱.
há̱p instantly, at once U unukuv daav da̱n ha̱p.
hà̱p gulp - drink in one go U o̱mki hono, u emk ha̱p.
hàpá jump down Baad ta ho̱p hwe̱di da, hapa.
hàpànà late-planted, late-ripening guinea corn Hi na̱n rein hapana, ati lo̱g c'depe da. (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant.)
hàpànká hit hard, whack A̱m hapanka o̱m a̱n k'ce.
hà̱pà̱sá̱ quaff - drink deeply; drink up Kaba ha a̱v ha̱pa̱sa̱ a̱v nesa mi hono.
hà̱pká̱ pull ends of leather loincloth through one's legs Ha̱pka̱u bada̱v elta̱n ce.; A̱m ha̱pkka̱u bada̱m somte.
hàpsìpá̱ kind of eagle (sem. domains: - Bird.)
há̱rá̱bsì widen an existing hole Sween ha̱ra̱bski, wa laku ta caa taaha̱n da.
hà̱rà̱m hà̱rà̱m hurrying along (walking) He̱nos o ha̱ra̱m-ha̱ra̱m tu to̱o̱ to̱o̱.
hà̱rá̱skà̱ glow, show signs of brightness Baad ha̱ra̱ska̱ a̱n yan da̱n hwela.
hàrhàrà sheen, shine, glossiness, as on a glazed pot Kusk ru emk harhara.
hà̱rhà̱rà̱ plump and shining, like a large blister or ripe fruit Gaaga̱m hwa̱a̱ ci u, u hwa̱a̱s u ha̱rha̱ra̱.
hàrká brakes, walker attacker, reins El nan twe̱pe̱ do̱k harka.
hà̱rsá̱ refuse, be unwilling Naamunl zatta ha̱rsa̱ da.