a'- Class-marking prefix for a singular or plural noun in the fb:A class. Nouns in the fb:A class may be large inanimate objects, towns, ideas or many other things. Plurals of A class nouns often use the fv:c' class-marker. The class-marker fv:a' should not be confused with the pronoun fv:a which is written without an apostrophe and replaces a noun. ######## When an entry has a class-marker it is written in italic writing. Class-markers may move to the end of a word in a sentence. The class-marker is not included in the way entries are ordered. For example, the word fi:a'fv:koma (hand, arm) is found between the words fv:kolkolo and fi:v'fv:koma, and the word fi:a'fv:mata (spin, weave) is found between the words fv:mata and fi:k'fv:matqqkqci.
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