The Copala Triqui language is spoken by 25,000-30,000 people.
It originally comes from the area around San Juan Copala, Oaxaca. Because of the migration of Copala Triqui people, it is now spoken in other parts of Oaxaca and Mexico, as well as in parts of the United States.
Copala Triqui belongs to the the Triqui family of languages, along with two other Triqui languages -- Chicahuaxtla Triqui and Itunyoso Triqui. The Triqui languages, the Cuicatec languages, and the Mixtec languages all form a large language family called the Mixtecan family of languages.
Mixtecan is more distantly related to other languages, such as Zapotec, Chinantec, and Mazatec in a family called Oto-Manguean.
This dictionary project is the product of the Albany Triqui Working Group, which is a collaboration between members of the Copala Triqui community of the Albany, NY area and faculty and students of the Department of Anthropology at the University at Albany, State University of New York and the Department of Anthropology, University of Florida.
Current and past members of our working group are listed below
Members of the Triqui community:
Linguists and anthropologists
This dictionary owes an enormous debt to the pioneering work of Barbara Hollenbach, and her dictionary which is available at The Hollenbach dictionary primarily records the speech of Copala Triqui people in the 1960s and 1970s.
This dictionary intends to build on the solid foundation of that work by