傣泐 – 英语

ᦗᦸᧈᦃᦱᧉpɔɔ⁵xaa³pronounI; me (male, deferential)9.2.3Pronounsᦗᦸᧈᦃᦱᧉ1
ᦗᦸᧈᦃᦾᧉpɔɔ⁵xɔj³pronounI; me (male, deferential)9.2.3Pronounsᦗᦸᧈᦃᦾᧉ
ᦗᦸᦅᦱᧈpɔɔ⁴kaa⁵2000pre-verbonly; justᦗᦸ ᦅᦱᧈ ᦔᦳᧃ ᦓᦾᧉ ᦐᦾᧈ.Only a small proportion.ᦗᦸ ᦅᦱᧈ ᦑᦸᧂᦰ ᦡᦻ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦌᦹᧉ.They just looked and didn't buy anything.ᦗᦸ ᦅᦱᧈ ᦋᦾᧈ ᦶᦙᧈ ᦌᦽᧈ ᦕᧅ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦡᦻ ᧞.All I did was help mother wash the vegetables.ᦗᦸᦅᦱᧈ1
ᦗᦸᧈᦅᦱᧉpɔɔ⁵kaa⁶2000nounmerchant; salesmanᦅᦳᧃ1 3ᦗᦸᧈ ᦅᦱᧉ ᦃᦻ ᦶᦃᧇ ᦐᧂ.A merchant who sold leather shoes.6.9.4Commerceᦗᦸᧈᦅᦱᧉᦗᦸᧈᦅᦱᧉᦓᦻᦃᦻ
ᦗᦸᦺᦈpɔɔ⁴caj¹adjectivesatisfiedᦠᦱᧅ ᦉᧄᧈ ᦶᦤᧂ ᦗᦲᧂ ᦗᦸ ᦺᦈ ᦶᦑᧉ.We want to show that we are completely satisfied., full3. with3.ᦗᦸᦺᦈ1
ᦗᦸᧈᦈᦱᧃpɔɔ⁵caan¹namea member of the board of directors of a monastery4.9.8.2Place of worship4.6.3.1Governing bodyᦗᦸᧈᦁᦱᦈᦱᧃ
ᦗᦸᧈᦵᦉᧁᧈpɔɔ⁵sew²2000nounmale friend; peerᦅᦳᧃ1 3ᦺᦔ ᦣᦸᧆ ᧟ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦀᧁ ᦓᧄᧉ ᦕᦹᧂᧉ ᦠᦹᧉ ᦗᦸᧈ ᦵᦉᧁᧈ.When he got there he gave the honey to his friend.4.1.1Friendᦗᦸᧈᦵᦉᧁᧈ
ᦗᦸᧈᦉᧂᧈᦶᦙᧈᦉᦸᧃpɔɔ⁵saŋ²mææ⁵sɔn¹verb (intransitive)to be taught by one's parents3.6Teachᦗᦸᧈᦶᦙᧈᦉᧂᧈᦉᦸᧃ
ᦗᦸᦊᦴᧈᦗᦸᦂᦲᧃpɔɔ⁴juu²pɔɔ⁴kin¹nounenough to live on4.4.1Prosperityᦗᦸᦊᦴᧈᦂᦲᧃ
ᦗᦸᦺᦋᧉpɔɔ⁴caj⁶adjectivesufficient; enough8.1.7Enoughᦗᦸᦺᦋᧉ
ᦗᦸᧈᦋᦻpɔɔ⁵caaj⁴nounman, especially a man who has a sonᦶᦙᧈᦋᦻ2.6.5.1Manᦗᦸᧈᦋᦻ1
ᦗᦸᧈᦎᦱpɔɔ⁵taa¹nounwife's father; father-in-law4.ᦗᦸᧈᦎᦱ2
ᦗᦸᧈᦏᧁᧉpɔɔ⁵tʰaw³20001nounmaternal grandfather (mother's father)ᦷᦍᧅ ᦃᦹᧃᧉ ᦙᦱ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦈᧁᧉ ᦶᦑᧃ ᦉᧅ ᦗᦸᧈ ᦏᧁᧉ.He was made king in place of his grandfather., grandmother2nounold man; elder. [Note: Used pronominally by or to an older man.]ᦙᦲ ᦗᦸᧈ ᦏᧁᧉ ᦷᦠ ᦠᦸᧅᧈ ᦅᦳᧃ ᧚.There was an old man with white hair. personᦗᦸᧈᦏᧁᧉᦗᦸᧈᦏᧁᧉᦖᦸᧃᧈ
ᦗᦸᦑᦲᧈpɔɔ⁴tii⁵20001pre-verbenoughᦗᦸ ᦑᦲᧈ ᦵᦗᦲᧃᧈ ᦞᦱᧈ ᦂᦴ ᦎᦱ ᦢᦸᧆᧈ.That is enough of people saying I am blind.8.1.7Enough2pre-verbof courseᦆᦲᧂ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦺᦡᧉ ᦵᦣᧃ ᦷᦆᧈ ᦌᦸᧉ, ᦗᦸ ᦑᦲᧈ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦣᦴᧉ ᦤᦸᦰ.You didn't study science and so of course you don't know.1.7.1Naturalᦗᦸᦑᦲᧈ
ᦗᦸᧈᦑᦱᧁᧉpɔɔ⁵taaw⁶nounone's actual father (as opposed to other people one might call ᦗᦸᧈ), motherᦗᦸᧈᦑᦱᧁᧉ
ᦗᦸᧈᦓᦱpɔɔ⁵naa⁴2000nounfarmerᦗᦸᧈ ᦓᦱ ᦷᦎ ᧚ ᦺᦏ ᦓᦱ ᦊᦴᧈ.A farmer was ploughing the fields.6.2.7Farm workerᦗᦸᧈᦓᦱ1
ᦗᦸᧈᦓᦱᧉpɔɔ⁵naa⁶noununcle; mother's younger brother. [Note: Used pronominally by or to such a person.], auntᦗᦸᧈᦓᦱᧉ