ma-1pfxwith: meaning "accompanying s.o."Ta'iede, toma hasala manatuna, we'u hasena yai, ediba, "Ai ite wa."Then, that one, the young woman with her child was among the rocks, (and) she said, "We are right here."2pfxwith: meaning "being in the state of"
madagahusmokeIge'e. ana gulugulu doha: madagahu yo goula ne, gulugulunidi.No, its manner of closing off is like this: the smoke and mist there, are what close it off.
ma'ediwith themDun tataodi ma'edi ti iya'iyala.They fought with people of other villages.Ma'edi kamda.They have carpenters [lit. with their carpenters].
ma'enawith s.o.Dun tataodi ma'edi ti iya'iyala.They fought with people of other villages.
ma'esega1at once2once, atHuya ma'esega i abi-ponoli.One time she did it wrong.
magu ie tiwatide goes out, theAsubena esa yai, malatomtom yai, magu ie tiwa, datu yai.One day, in the morning, the tide went out, at its lowest ebb stage.
maimailahiafternoonGana yai ti paisoa eee--, maimailahi ti huyoma dun.They kept on working in the garden until in the afternoon they returned to the village.
maimaisanacooked, state of beingAn'an maimaisana nanatuna wa adi dala yai ie tole.She put some cooked food on her children's serving plate.
maina1vine2rope3stringi oilusae, ena maina i eli-gali.he went up in, (and) he shredded his rope.
maiyonanightHasala wa age i eno maiyona yai wa, pa'ana natuna ie tan.In the night, the young woman did not sleep, because her child cried.Na maiyonana yai, ana waiunu ti laoma, bena Liuna ti unui.but in the night his enemies came, so they might kill Liuna.
mala ie tom1dawn, to be2daylight, to beI lau eee--, mala ie tom hanahanau, ta'iede, ana iyala tie hotu.time passed and the break of dawn approached, and then his enemies arrived.
malaitomin the morningNuana malaitom bebedula esega ta lau'ahuleni. ailuma ta ha'otatole.Perhaps in the morning we (will) leave one pig-net behind. We will put it away in the house.