dahudahu1mudflats2tideflatsTo sabina ie tan, Logena kadobi dahudahu yai ne, na diboli i saehai.Then he cried his tears, down there on the mudflats, and the tide is coming up.
dala1plate2platterAn'an maimaisana nanatuna wa adi dala yai ie tole.She put some cooked food on her children's serving plate.
dalahotuarrive s.wh. by climbing, toI dalasae oya hesana Gado Gilibaya, lebenai i dalahotu.He climbed up a mountain called Gado Gilibaya, and climbing up, he arrived there.
dalasae1climb up, to2climb up: upward movement of person or animal.I dalasae oya hesana Gado Gilibaya, lebenai i dalahotu.He climbed up a mountain called Gado Gilibaya, and climbing up, he arrived there.3climb up: the apparent upward movement of the sun or moon.Mahana i dalasae.The sun climbs up/rises.
datuebb (lowest stage)Asubena esa yai, malatomtom yai, magu ie tiwa, datu yai.One day, in the morning, the tide went out, at its lowest ebb stage.
Dauai'eguDauai'egu, name of a man from the Isuisu area.Agutoi. Yau Dauai'egu, egu stoli ne.My regards. I am Dauai'egu, (and) that is my story there.
dibolitide (waxing)To sabina ie tan, kadobi dahudahu yai ne, na diboli i saehai.Then he cried his tears, down there on the mudflats, and the tide is coming up.
diboli i saehaitide (is waxing)To sabina ie tan, kadobi dahudahu yai ne, na diboli i saehai.Then he cried his tears, down there on the mudflats, and the tide is coming up.
dobigo down, toTamana tinana waga ti awai, ti dobi hesabana.His father and mother rode in thew canoe and they went down for his sake.Ena alahia wa i alugaibui. I dobi. Oyagi yai ie hutu....He threw his spear hopelessly. It went down. It stuck in a tree...
dobi'elipierce downward, toTau baguna esa, i baguna alili, na alahia wa i dobi'eli.One who was first, was very far ahead, and the spear fell down without piercing him.
dodogapeople [PL]Na mate dodoga ne ai gudui, na edi luma aie gabu.But we have closed off those peole there, and we (will) burn their house.
doga1a person: human being of either sex.Edi numa gegesina yai, numa esa tau miaina, doga i halibadi, i go.A person beside their house spoke to them, one who lived in another house, and he said.2non-human being: e.g., a spirit.3personified being: e.g. an animal character in a story.
doha1like2like something: in appearance.Ita ada ao doha. Ta pepe'i, na yaluyaluada.We, our appearance is like (them). We die, and (they are) our spirits.3like something: in an activity.E, adi paisoa, ginauli ti hatahatamalidima, doha.Yes, their work is to be sending their thinks here, like that.4like something: as for a period of timeTi hamaisadi. Moni yai, e ena ti paisoa doha sabati, nate kuku yai.They pay them. (It is) with money, or if they work like (for) a week, then it is (with) tobacco.