ismR1he2she3itTo sabina ie tan, kadobi dahudahu yai ne, na diboli i saehai.Then he cried his tears, down there on the mudflats, and the tide is coming up.
ia1he2she3it4him5herIa iyala tauna. Ena aba mia bonali yai, bonali oyana yai.He was a fighting man. Where he lived was in the limestone, on a limestone mountain.
iabom1it alone2itself3by itselfIabom mo i tubu-gaibu.It just grows all by itself.
iamojust one thingAdi an'an doha, Biula tataodi ne, iamo, adi an'an i tubutubugaibu.Their food is like (ours), those Biula people, but just one thing, their food grows by itself.
ie1he [RE]2she [RE]3it [RE]To sabina ie tan, kadobi dahudahu yai ne, na diboli i saehai.Then he cried his tears, down there on the mudflats, and the tide is coming up.Asubena esa yai, malatomtom yai, magu ie tiwa, datu yai.One day, in the morning, the tide went out, at its lowest ebb stage.
ige'e1No: used as a negative responseIge'e. ana gulugulu doha: madagahu yo goula ne, gulugulunidi.No, its manner of closing off is like this: the smoke and mist there, are what close it off.2or not: used in a yes/no or tag question.Saha yai ue bawa, e ige'e? Maudo'imiu au pe'i ohi?Where are you sitting,or not? Are all of you completely dead?
'i'ipanightNatuna age badabana, na i'ipa yai ie tan.her child was not big, and it cried in the night.
'ita1see, toTa'iede, i aladahudahu. Gahu pouna ena sasagu tie ita.Then he ran down to the mudflats. His companions saw the column of smoke.
'ita21we (IN)2weIta ada ao doha. Ta pepe'i, na yaluyaluada.We, our appearance is like (them). We die, and (they are) our spirits.3us
ita'italau1looking around, to be2looking over, to beI ita'italau. Bonali oyana age i ita, i laulauhaihuyo.He looked arond, He did not see a limestone mountain. He set off again.
'ita'lau1look across, to2look around, toWeliweli yai tie italau. Luma gahuna tie ita.The looked across from Weliweli. They saw the smoke from his house.I ita'italau. Bonali oyana age i ita, i laulauhaihuyo.He looked arond, He did not see a limestone mountain. He set off again.
itasaelook up, toI itasae, bonali ie ita, ena du'obi'o i ha'obi'o.He looked up. He saw the limestone, (so) he erected his houseposts.
iteadjthisTa'iede, toma hasala manatuna, we'u hasena yai, ediba, "Ai ite wa."Then, that one, the young woman with her child was among the rocks, (and) they said, "We are right here."
iti1they2themIti begadi babada age adi moia ti goli.The ones who were a bit big didn't spear their fish.Ewa! ginauli wa, saha iti ti alati?Wow! that thing, what is it that they are burning?