pa'anabecauseHasala wa age i eno maiyona yai wa, pa'ana natuna ie tan.In the night, the young woman did not sleep, because her child cried.
pa'ana saha?why?"Pa'ana saha ite an'an ne i bigabiga? Na ita ada ti oi'ula?Why is this food here soft? But as for us, our (food) is hard?
paisoa1viworkGana yai ti paisoa eee--, maimailahi ti huyoma dun.They kept on working in the garden until in the afternoon they returned to the village.
paisoa21nwork, ones2noccupation, ones3work [used with EPC]: what one habitually doesNa Liuna ana paisoa: iyala.But Liuna's occupation was war (or fighting).
pe'idie, toIta ada ao doha. Ta pepe'i, na yaluyaluada.We, our appearance is like (them). We die, and (they are) our spirits.Saha yai ue bawa, e ige'e? Maudo'imiu au pe'i ohi?Where are you sitting,or not? Are all of you completely dead?
pe'i ohi1dead, be completely2completely dead, beSaha yai ue bawa, e ige'e? Maudo'imiu au pe'i ohi?Where are you sitting,or not? Are all of you completely dead?