wa1old information marker, sometimes translatable by "the"Na toma, goma wa, nogea ana moia sabina ie tan eee--, diboli ie sae.But that one, the boy wept tears for his fish until the tide came up.Alahia wa ie alu.He cast his spear.2OITa'iede, toma hasala manatuna, we'u hasena yai, ediba, "Ai ite wa."Then, that one, the young woman with her child was among the rocks, (and) she said, "We are right here."
wafuwharfYo edi wafu. Edi kago wa, ena aba antulu.And they have a wharf. It is the place where they offload their cargo.
wagacanoe, boatTi tolesae waga ya, yo i hamala mota.They put him up in the canoe, and he became a snake.
waihinnwomanI lau, ie ita nate. Ia waihin saesae alilina.He went and he saw her there. She was a very beautiful woman.
waiyunuenemy, onesHasala wa age i liba, enaba, bena ana waiunu e'esa.The young woman did not speak, she said (to herself), it might be one of her enemies."Na maiyonana yai, ana waiunu ti laoma, bena Liuna ti unui.but in the night his enemies came, so they might kill Liuna.
WaladauWaladauYau Benoni. Egu dun Waladau. Agu pilipilidai ma'a a hatili.I am Benoni. My village is Waladau. I will tell my story.
wanasing, toNate, duni yai wa, tie wana yo tie saga.there, at that village, they sang and danced.
wasana1report2news3storyWawaya ena Po'a, Awalolo wasana.Wawaya ena Po'a, The Boy of the Rocks, is an Awalolo story.
wawayachildTo, wawaya esa kiukiuna, ana moia ie goli.Then, one small child speared his fish.
wawaya tataodi1boys2male childrenWawaya tataodi tie ale.The little boys went fishing with spears.
WawinolewaWawinolewa, name of a mountain in the land of the dead.Doha, oya esa esana Wawinolewa.Like, there is a certain mountain called Wawinolewa.
WeliweliWeliweli, a place on the coast in the Western Daui area.Weliweli yai tie italau. Luma gahuna tie ita.The looked across from Weliweli. They saw the smoke from his house.
we'u1rock or stone: large but separate rockHede, waihin i hamala we'u, Kalau otana, sagasaga na'ona yai.So the woman became a rock. There she remains inside the stream.2rock or stone: a solid formation in bedrockTa'iede, toma hasala manatuna, we'u hasena yai, ediba, "Ai ite wa."Then, that one, the young woman with her child was among the rocks, (and) she said, "We are right here."
weweispread out, toMoiya esa hesana Salihua, ti laoma ti wewei.There was a kind of fish called Salihua, and they came and spread out.
widi1bush2jungle3forest,4rainforestNate, bomna wa esana Bom Oso'oso, widi duadualina yai.There, that pool was called "Coughing Pool," in the middle of the bush.