
Abbreviations are used to indicate the grammatical category, the origin, the current role, or the folkloric source of the phrase given as an example of the entry words.

adj. adjective
adv. adverb
ang. English
app. appelative
ar. Arabic
arch. archaic
arg. slang
aux. auxiliary
b. Bantu
bcp. a lot, many
bot. botany
bu. Bulu
comp. compound
conj. conjunction
contr. contraction
cop. copulative
d. Dii (Duru)
def. defective
deter. determinative
dev. riddle
dict. saying
dla. Duala
. Dɔɔka
encl. enclitic
euph. euphemism
ew. Ewondo
ex. example
excl. exclamation
expl. expletive
expr. expression
fig. figurative
fin. final
fr. French
ful. Fulfulde
gen. generic
h. Hausa
ich. ichthyology
id. ideophone
idiom. idiomatic
int. intensive
intr. intransitive
interr. interrogative
k. Kaka
kan. Kanuri
l. Láɓi
lai Lai
lit. literal
loc. locution, saying, phrase
m. Mbum
m-to-m. word for word
mark. mark
mbo. Mbódɔmɔ
med. medicine
mod. modifier
n. name
num. numeral
orn. ornithology
p. Pana
part. particle
pcq. because
pej. pejorative
pers. person
pl. plural
poet. poetic
pr. proper
prep. preposition
procl. proclitic
pron. pronoun
prov. proverb
qd. when
qqch. something
qqn. someone
rel. relative
s. Sango
sing. singular
sp. unspecified species of variety
spec. specifying
spp. several varieties
subst. substantive
svt. often
tr. transitive
v. verb
voc. vocative
zool. zoology
zɔ́k see