

The present volume is the result of many years work, in the course of which several trial and interim versions were produced for limited distribution. We cannot claim that this version is either comprehensive or definitive, but we feel that it is sufficiently developed to fill the demand for a dictionary by speakers and leaners of the language.


Below are listed a number of writings on the language.

Atintono, S.A. 2004. A morphosyntactic study of the Gurenɛ verb. MPhil Thesis, Linguistics Dept., University of Ghana.


Dakubu, M.E. Kropp, 2003. Interrogative structures in Farefare. Gur Papers/Cahiers Voltaïques 6: 57-66.

___, 2000. The particle la in Gurenɛ . Gur Papers/Cahiers Voltaïques 5: 59-66.

___, 1995. A Grammar of Gurune. Trial Edition. Legon: Language Centre.

Naden, A.J. and R. Schaefer, 1973. The meaning of 'Frafra'. Research Review 9.2: 5-12.

Nsoh, Ephraim Avea, 1997. Some aspects of Gurenɛ  (Frafia) word structure. MA Thesis, Linguistics Dept., University of Ghana.

Rapp, Eugene Ludwig, 1966. Die Gurenne-Sprache in NordGhana. Leipzig: VEB Verlag Enzyklopaedie.

Schaefer, Nancy, 1975. Gurenne clause structure. In Joseph Grimes (ed.). Network Grammars. Dallas/Norman, Okla.: SIL/University of Oklahoma.

Schaefer, Robert L., 1975. The Phonology of Frajra. Collected Language Notes No. 15. Legon: Institute of African Studies.

__,1974. Tone in Gurenne. Anthropological Linguistics 16.9: 464-469.

Unpublished documents:

Atintono, S.A. 1999. Gurenɛ  Wordlist. ms.

Nsoh, E.A. nd. Gurenɛ  dictionary slips. ms.

Haskew, Rev. Ken, nd. Guıune Grammar. ms.