
घन घनɡʰən ɡʰəncomAdv1Engagain and againHinअकसर; बदुधाए बोले जानू "हूता जानू खटके नी नेएँ, नी जाएँ टाकरागूड़ा नीले बोले पोरान एएँदे घन घन" बोलेसे।"Hey, I absolutely won't take to there, I won't go, if ever they take (me) to Takragura I will run away again and again" she is saying.8.4.5Relative time2Engfrequently8. ofघन
ठाकूकʈʰakukv1Engto be tired of doing something and so quit and stopHinथाकनादेओ मोनान ठाकला।We appeased the spirits (but) grew tired of it and gave up.2.4.5Rest2.4.4Tired2Engto try repeatedlyमोरलो जानू असनी हात देओ भूत मोनान मोनान ठाकला।He died you know, just like this they tried and tried but failed to appease the whirlwind spirit., attempt