datu' a mariga'nPPRULutjanus sebae ; Lutjanus lemniscatusIra?Engcalled at Rampayan Ulu; see also Bandira' and Raja a Mariga'unspec. comp. form ofbandira'
delemnIraulan a ikasapulu' agu' enem mbabet sikayan sa telu pulu' a ulan ta.Engthe period of time when the moon is waxing from full to new. in Iranun, this time period can be further devided into two parts 'paganai a delem' (16th-20th hijrah) and 'delem' (21st-30th hijrah).seda' gkakua' a tantu sa delem ka su kaludan di' gkarab.
dsegadan a manaulnScolopsis vosmeriEngwhitecheek monocle breamMalpasir-pasir pipi putih
dsuli'vEngto set a fish hook in the mouth of a fish by pulling sharply on the fishing lineMalsentap
dtepakv1Engto hit the water with a stick to chase fish into a net or keep them in the net2EnghopMalmelompat
duainParastromateus nigerIraseda' a mapia a malu' pasagi' a antangan yanEngthe black pomfretMalbawal hitamseda' a mapia i ta'am dapai manaya i gkidia' run
dunia'nIraaden a pira ka bangsa a dunia' sa Iranun. mapia a dunia', marata' a dunia' (uran, panguribut, mala' a bagel), matenggau a dunia' (dunia' a malebud gkarata' su tanam a tau tun) agu da' a genu'-genu' a dunia'.Engweather. in Iranun culture, they have several kinds of weather: good weather, bad weather (rain, storm etc), cold weather (it cause of sick) and calm weather.Malada beberapa jenis cuaca dalam budaya Iranun. cuaca baik, cuaca buruk (hujan, ribut), cuaca sejuk (cuaca yang menyebabkan seseorang jatuh sakit) dan cuaca tanpa bunyi/sunyi