Browse Kankanaey - English



owát1NounBlood vessel; tendon.
owát2AdverbOnly, just, hardly, barely; only merely.Owát dan intangéb, sána ay domaténg di odán.They had barely closed the door, there came the rain.Kanó, kanák, tan owátak dinngé.Reportedly, I say, because I only heard it.See alsoánggoy
owáy11AdverbConstantly, regularly.2Active Verb-om-1To do regularly.Owaowáy ay malablabás.He passes by regularly.Inmowaowáy ay bomalbálan bes-áang sin nom-á, tan adí nas-ét di alád.The pigs are constantly appearing in the kaingin, because the fence is not made properly.See alsoadó1anákdandán 2gáyad 2gáygayginag-ákanáyonlam-édnam-áy 4píngsan1
owáy2Adjective1Up to one's own choice, as one pleases.Owáy di iyáat na.He does whatever he pleases.Owáy ka mo omáli ka si bigát ónno magá.It's up to you whether you come tomorrow or not.2Held accountable for something, responsible for doing something.Owáy kas di, apáy nga tinpíg mo din manók?You will be held accountable, why did you throw stones at the chicken?Owáy ka ay en mangwáni en Wili, tan en kamí makisidá.You are responsible to go tell Wili, because we're going to attend the feast.See alsobakláylebbéngtengél
óyadActive Verb1-enTo straighten, as a wire, bent nail; to stretch out, as one's arm.Oyádem din lóbid.Stretch out the rope.2i-To stretch oneself out, i.e., to exercise.Énak man-ióyad.I'm going to exercise.
óyangActive Verb1man-To flow, as water in river, ink from pen.Man-oy-óyang din danóm sin gináwang.The water in the river is flowing.2-om-1To flow over the edge, overflow.
oyánganNounBreach in dike of pondfield from which water flows to field below.Synonymgosíngan
óyasActive Verbman-, -om-1To flow, flow down, flow out, as water in a river, dripping down someone's beard, flowing out from a cave.linkáyos
oyásan di danómNounWaterfall.Overlaping Synonympey-ásan
oyódActive Verb-enTo lower, as a bucket.Oyodéna din timbá ay nak-ét si lóbid.He lowers the bucket which is tied with a rope.See alsooy-óy
óyon1NounBundle, of wood, runo, etc.2NounThat which is used to tie the bundle.3Active Verb-enTo tie up in a bundle.See alsodanég 2labédpengpéng 1tan-áy 2
óyosActive Verb-enTo slide something, as logs down a hill.Synonymayóyos
óyotActive Verbomi-3, i...anTo deceive, fool into believing something contrary to fact.Naioyótan din nowáng sin atekdág.The carabao was deceived at the place with the long drop-off.See alsoétekkíled 2lípotlítik 2sápit 3sowítik 2
oy-óyActive Verb-enTo lower on a string or rope.See alsooyód