óbadActive Verb1-enTo untie, as shoes, knot, an animal.Obádem din naipáot.Untie the fastened thatch.antekét2-enTo forgive, of God, not people.See alsodispinsálpasinsiyáfig.
obákNounBark of tree, sheath of banana plant, outer leaves of cabbage.
oblá1NounWork.2Active Verbman-, -enTo work; work on something.En takó man-oblá kanó sin kalsáda ta wáday iyát di bas ay omáli.Let's go work on the road, they say, so that the bus will be able to come.Mo obláen yo ámin así kayó omáli ya idawát ko din lagbó yo.When you have done all the owrkSee alsoabóno2alóyonkálolagbópályaspoldíyasemánobra
obóanNounHen that has already laid eggs.specmanókSee alsooppá
óbobActive Verbi-To place at the entrance, as a fish trap at the opening of an eel hole.Ay ammóm ay man-óbob si dalít?Do you know how to catch eels by putting a trap at the entrance to the hole?Ióbob mon góbo sin beéy di dalít.Place the fish trap at the entrance to the eel's home.
obóbanNounPondfield first in line to receive water from irrigation pipe or channel.Gosíngam din obóban.Make an outlet in the pondfield first in line to receive water.
óbosStative verbma-To slip off, come off, as a rope from animal's leg.Silotém ta adí maóbos.Tie it in a knot so it doesn't come off.See alsokidálokmóslósopóbadpasinsiyá
obót1Active Verbmang-To prick, lance, make a small hole in something, as a boil.Obtém san báyang mo ta bemel-áy san danóm na.Lance that boil of yours so its liquid will come out.Ib-ót mon dágom.Prick it with the needle.Inbót din ótot ed labí din sáko ay naipapay-án di begás.Last night the rat made a hole in the sack containing the rice.(mangbót)2Stative verbma-To be pricked, lanced; to have a small hole in it, as a ball.(mab-ót)
od1Active Verb-enTo convey, move something from one place to another.En takó man-ód si bató.Let's go move rocks.Óden takó din bónag da ta iéy takó sin somaldengán di bas.Let's move their belongings to take them to where the bus stops.
od2ParticleTruly, indeed. Indicates the truth or certainty of a statement.Ay tan sak-én od di makaammó en sis-iyá?Am I indeed the one who is responsible for him?
Particles of Certainty
kadí kadí manét ket 1 ngalód od 2 yan 1
od bawParticleIndicates concession to another's request or another's point of view following initial disagreement or objection.Iálim ta gel-ádan mi od baw.Oh all right, bring it here and we'll peel it. Particles of Concession
odómAdjectiveAnother, other; some; the rest, the others.Manlákoak si odóm ay manók.I'd like to buy another chicken.Wáday odóm ay seng-éw ay adík laydén.There are other scents that I don't like.Owátak inlogalógan din odóm ay pilák ko.I just used the rest of my money riding (on buses/jeeps).
óga1AdjectiveTo be a crybaby; to cry all the time.(maóga, naoogáan, makaóga)2Active Verb-om-1, -anTo cry, cry for someone or something.Man-óga tan íwed si nánang na.She is crying because her mother is not there.Ogáana si nánang.He's crying for mother.3Active Verbi-To cry it out, as hurt feelings.4Stative verbmai...anTo be all cried out.Maiogáanak yan mansakít din toktók ko.I am all cried out and my head hurts.Iógam ta makáan sakít di nemném mo.Cry it out so that your sorrow will be gone.See alsodegéségewgenáwgisámoygiyam-ókkengíkesén2kiláladkóbikos-ótlalíwlówamigísodán 3ogóogolákispalápegés 1pilálakpogés 1semdék