Search results for "dé"

abɛ DE/YA n Oil Palm /elaeis guineensis / (domain: 1.5.1 - Tree.)
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anakɔbayi DE/YA (dialect: anakɔyebayi) n Viper snake sp. /causus maculatus / (domain: - Snake.)
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aŋkete DE/YA n handkerchief (domain: 5.4 - Adornment.)
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asenchane [HMM ] DE/YA n beetle sp. (domain: - Insect.)
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ba₄ [M ] KA/SE (pl: 7) n neck { ba-zɔŋɔ necklace | Yuu ba koe ba. The head is not older than the neck.; Apparent seniority does not rule out mutual dependence. | ka-ba-ywolo long-necked (bird or animal) } (domain: 2.1.1 - Head.)
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baare₂ [M ] DE n bravery, courage, manhood (domain: - Brave.)
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badeim [ML ] O/BA (variant: badeinu; pl: badeina) n bachelor, single man, widower { badein-dwoŋo old man who has never married } (domain: - Unmarried.) cf: kadeim.
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badunu [MH ] KO/TE n Abyssinian Ground Hornbill (bird) { Badunu ze bugi tei, ko báa jeini gaa baŋa ne. No matter how tired the badunu is, it will not settle on a blade of grass.; We are all different and have different needs and standards. } [very large bird] (domain: - Bird.)
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bage₃ [R ] A1 v work a juju on someone { Ba bage-o de liri mo. He was struck down by a juju. } [e.g. make them fall off a bicycle] (domain: - Sorcery.)
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bage₄ [L ] A1 v hit hard, beat; strike, thunder (of lightning) { Doa kam bage tio kom. Lightning struck the tree. } (domain: 7.7.1 - Hit.)
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bagua [MM ] KA/SE n unripe shea fruit { Swɛ lwoori bagua. The ripe shea fruit has preceded the raw shea fruit.; Death is no respecter of age. } (domain: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)
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bakala [HR ] KA/SE n 1shoulder (domain: 2.1.2 - Torso.) 2wing syn: vɔŋɔ. (domain: - Parts of a bird.) [ bakala gugworo ]
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bakwɛ DE/YA n week (domain: - Week.)
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balaare [M ] DE/YA n whip (domain: 4.7.7 - Punish, 7.7.1 - Hit.)
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ban-lom [LM ] DE (from bane, -lone) n temper, rage (domain: - Angry, - Bad-tempered.)
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ban-zore [LL ] DE (from baro, zo 3 marry) n marriage, woman becoming a man's wife (domain: 2.6.1 - Marriage.)
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banaare [MM ] DE/YA n long smock with long sleeves ; boubou (Fr.) (domain: 5.3.3 - Traditional clothing.)
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bane₃ [M ] DE/YA (other spelling: bam) n annoyance, strong emotion { O bane zaŋe. He got angry. | O jege bane. He gets angry very easily, he is hot tempered. | O bane wɔe. She is distressed, upset. | n bane bwori you have nausea } (domain: - Annoyed.) [ bam-peno , ban-lom , ban-wira , ban-zɔŋɔ ]
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banegero [ML ] KO/- (der. of ba6, nege) n rudeness, lack of respect { banegero nyem rude person } (domain: - Lack respect, - Impolite.)
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baŋa₃ [R ] KA loc 1top, high, surface { baŋa baŋa very high up | baŋa ne above, on top of } ant: kuri 1. (domain: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations, - Up.) Baŋa Wɛ, 2north { O kɛ baŋa. He headed north. } (domain: - North, south, east, west.)
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baseim [MM ] DE/YA n nickname [only used by equals or superiors] (domain: - Nickname.)
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baywei [HH ] DE/YA n House Rat (domain: - Rodent.)
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bebale [MM ] A1 v sift, sieve by shaking from side to side (domain: - Separate, scatter, - Cooking methods.)
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bebara [HH ] (der. of ba) n slander, gossip, tale-telling { ba bebara spread gossip | bebare-nyeno person who slanders } (domain: - Gossip.)
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bebare [MM ] A1 v go around the outside syn: baare. (domain: - Move past, over, through.)
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