Search results for "doge"

chaare [L ] A1 v 1winnow (domain: - Winnow grain.) 2have diarrhoea (domain: - Stomach illness, 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.) 3abort { O chaare o puga o doge. She has aborted. } [ der. chɔrɔ ]
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doge A1 v abandon, leave { De n doge! Get rid of it! } (domain: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)
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dogele v pile up in a heap (domain: - Load, pile, 7.5.1 - Gather.) [ der. -dɔgela ]
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guguni [MM ] A1 v rub, scrub, clean away, polish { Ba n guguni zwolo kom n doge. Come and clean away the spiders web. }
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peese₁ A1 v clear out, wipe clean { Yiniga ná sɔge ka pwogo n yuu ne, kwaane n peese-ka n doge, se ka ná zo n sɔŋɔ, n báa-n wane-ka n ja. If poverty builds its nest on your head, try hard to get rid of it, for if it gets into your house, you will not be able to get rid of it.; Poverty is a vicious circle. }
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yiniga [H ] KA n poverty, wretchedness, misery { Yiniga jege-ne. I am in poverty. | Yiniga ná sɔge ka pwogo n yuu ne, kwaane n peese-ka n doge, se ka ná zo n sɔŋɔ, n báa n wane-ka n ja. If poverty nests on your head, try to get rid of it, for if it gets into your house, you will be unable to remove it. } (domain: - Poor, 4.4.1 - Prosperity.) [ yini-keira , der. yini-gwia ]
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