Search results for "dona"

dona pl. of dono n pl enemies
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dono [H ] O/BA (pl: dona) n enemy cf: done.
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mene DE/YA n millet, guinea-corn, cereal crop { Mena yam dɔɔm ke lanyerane. The millet has done well this year. | Ba du mene de jwa keim ŋwaane mo. They sow millet because of future expectation. | men-bu millet grain | men-dona millet for chewing raw | men-dɔgela, men-pwoa heaps of grain | men-dwoa millet seed | men-dala good millet | men-keira guinea-corn sp. | men-guna poor millet grain | men-sɔŋɔ chaff | men-tintworru millet heads ithout grain | men-wɔa roasted grain | men-yia well-formed grain, kept for seed | men-zwaro bunches of millet | men-zɔgɔ chana November } (domain: - Food from seeds, 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) [ ga-mena , der. mempwoona ]
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yi₃ A2 v give a gift in appreciation, a dash (e.g. for dancing, farming, at funeral) (domain: - Give, donate.)
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yu [L ] A2 v rub, crumble (with the hands) { Ba bwori mena ba yu ba dona They broke off millet heads and rubbed off and chewed (the grain). }
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