Search results for "lɛɛro"

beinnu [R ] -/TE (infl: bwoŋo) n pl faeces, dung, flatulence { Naao ná jaane n kwo, n ná nɛ ko beinnu, n wó duri mo. If a buffalo has killed your father, if you see its dung, you will flee. | bein-lɛɛro fresh faeces | Bein-lɛɛro mo zaŋe bein-dwonnu lwom. Fresh faeces evoke the smell of old faeces.; New events may bring back unpleasant memories. } (domain: 2.2.8 - Defecate, feces.) [ bein-kɔŋɔ , na-beinnu , nabein-bibilu , der. bein-gwoŋo ]
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daa₂ [L ] KA/SE (pl: ) n wood, stick { da-lɔŋɔ heavy stick; walking stick | da-kora dry wood | da-kwolo heavy log | da-lɛɛro fresh wood } (domain: 6.5.3 - Building materials, 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) [ da-bunu , da-bwɛɔ , da-chɔrɔ , da-kɔlɔ , da-pale , da-buŋu , da-dwa , da-toore , dagara ]
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lɛɛro [M ] -/TE n pl trouble, calamity, misfortune { Lɛɛro jege-ne! Disaster has befallen me! } (domain: 4.4.2 - Trouble.)
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pugi₂ [L ] A3 v find by chance { O pugi sabia. He found some money. | Dé pugi lɛɛro. We have got trouble. }
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te-lɛɛro (from tega, -lɛɛre) n mortar, soft mud used to lay blocks (domain: 6.5.3 - Building materials.)
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