Search results for "nyeŋo"

kapaa KA/SE n Cobra { Kapaa ná cheiŋi buga, nyeŋo yé dwei. When the cobra claims the pool, the crocodile should not contest.; The crocodile only reigns in the absence of the cobra. } /naja nigricollis / (domain: - Snake.) [ buga kapaa , kapa-seŋa , kapa-zwono , der. tiuyuu kapaa ]
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nyeŋo [L ], [L ] KO/TE (dialect: nyoŋo) n crocodile { Kapaa ná cheiŋi buga, nyeŋo yé dwei. When the cobra usurps the pool, the crocodile should not contest.; The crocodile only reigns in the absence of the cobra. } (domain: - Bird.)
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suuri₁ [H ] A1 v groan, sigh, roar, talk loudly { N ná twe kukura, nyeŋo wó peini buga ne ko suuri. If you insult a dog, the crocodile will lie in the water and groan. }
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