Search results for "wo₂"

chwo₂ [R ] C1 (impf: chua; past: chwoga) v 1dibble, make a hole in the ground with a stick for planting seed 2paddle a boat, drive a vehicle 3backbite, gossip, spread rumours [ der. chwoom , der. chwoonu ]
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swo₂ [M ] v marry, court { Nabwonu mae o napere mo o swo o kaane. A pauper depends on his foot to find a wife to marry. }
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wo₂ [M ] (pl: wone) n 1stomach, innards, inside 2"heart", in idioms expressing emotions { wo-chɔgɔ sadness | wo-zɔŋɔ anger | wo-loŋo meanness | wo-dɛɔ hard heart | wopwolo happiness | n bere n wo you expose your feelings } [ wo-chechɔgɔ , wo-dɔga , wo-loŋo , wo-loŋo , wo-zuru , der. wo-poro , der. wopwolo , idiom wo-dedoa ]
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