Search results for "yera₁"

ye-tora (der. of yera 1 body, tore) n rash, itching skin { Ye-tora jege-o. She is suffering from a rash. } (domain: - Skin disease.)
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yera₁ -/YA (stem: ya-) n 1body { O yera lona. His body is warm, feverish. | O yera dana. He is well. | Ko chɛ a yera ne. My body is suffering. | ya-lona hot, feverish body | ya-dɛɛra healthy, strong body } yezura, 2alone, only { Ba yera mo wora. They alone are here. } cf: ye-daa; cf: ya-tega; cf: ya-tana. [ ya-goa , ya-nɔna , ya-tana ]
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yezura [LH ] (from yera 1 body, zura) n health, well-being, peace { Yezura wora. I am well (greeting). | Yezura tu mo chɛ swoori. It is the healthy who prepare new farms. } (domain: 2.5 - Healthy, - Happy.)
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