Search results for "choa₂"

che₁ [L ] C1 (impf: choa; past: chega) v 1block, fence off, intercept, meet { Buga chege o chwoŋa. A river blocked his way. | O vei se o che o naao kom. he has gone to intercept his cow | ka-che-chwoŋa-ne meeting on the path (for conversation) } (domain: - Limit, - Encounter, 6.2.2 - Land preparation.) 2prevent, protect from, heed { N báa wane n che ba yiga. You can't prevent them doing what they want. | che n tete take heed, discipline oneself | Ta-á cho-na á tete. Be careful. } [ nachero , wo-choro , der. che-kwaŋa , der. chegero , der. chogo ]
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choa₂ impf. of che v blocks ŋwe-choa net for trapping birds, etc.
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