Search results for "be"

chɛ₅ v work hard at, be committed to { O chɛ varem. He works hard at farming. } (domain: - Determined, - Work hard.)
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chigili v chop off, dismember (domain: 7.8.3 - Cut, - Amputate.)
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chilwoŋi [LM ] O/BA n friend { Chilwon-zɔŋɔ gare nu puga bu. A close friend is better than a brother. } syn: badwoŋi. (domain: 4.1.1 - Friend.)
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chɔge [L ] A1 v 1spoil, damage (domain: - Spoil, - Decay, 2.5.3 - Injure, 7.9.1 - Damage, - Do evil to.) 2do wrong; behave badly, incorrectly { N chɔge nɔɔno yiga. You behave badly towards someone. | Ko wo chɔge. It didn't matter, it's OK. | n wo chɔge you are sad, upset } (domain: 4.7.3 - Break the law, - Wrong, unsuitable, - Bad, immoral.) [ wo-chechɔgɔ , der. -chechɔgɔ , der. chɔgeno , chechɔge ]
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chɔɔle [H ] A1 v plunge, somersault, dive,stumble
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chɔɔre [M ] A1 v lose_weight { Jaweo kom pɛ o chɔɔre. Sickness has made him thin. | n wo chɔɔre you are disturbed, upset }
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chuchuru₁ [MH ] KO/TE (dialect: chichiru; dialect: chichuru) n spirit associated with some new-born babies (e.g. baby born with teeth and regarded as evil) { Nɔɔno ba zoore o kwei o dwoŋi sɔŋɔ chuchuru. Someone may not enter another's house to dispose of its "chuchuru".; Sensitive issues need to be treated with deference. } (domain: 3.1 - Soul, spirit, 4.9.2 - Supernatural being.) [ chuchuri-bɔŋɔ , chuchuri-kweenu , chuchuri-lɔŋɔ , chuchuri-ywoŋo ]
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churu [H ] KO/TE n place of departed ancestor spirits { Ba ba bere kwogo churu chwoŋa. They don't point out to the ghost the way to the land of the dead. } (domain: 2.6.6 - Die, 4.9.6 - Heaven, hell.)
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chuvwei [LR ] DE/YA n bellows (domain: - Blow air, - Working with metal, 5.5.2 - Tend a fire.)
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chwa₁ pl. of chɔ n pl Dawadawa seeds (Locust bean) Dawadawa seeds (Locust bean) (sem. domains: 1.5 - Plant.)
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chwi [H ] A2 v 1fix in the ground { Ba chwi pwoŋa. They erected a shelter. } (domain: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, 6.5 - Working with buildings.) 2begin { Wɔ mo chwi taane dem? Who started the trouble? } (domain: - Start something.)
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chwo₁ [M ] A2 (impf: chua) v be / become mad { O chwo mo. he is mad } (domain: 2.5.8 - Mental illness.) [ der. chichwoo , der. chichwooru ]
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chwoŋa₂ [M ] KA/SE (pl: chwei) n 1way, path, journey { chwo-dɔrɔ long path ; long journey | chwo-memena narrow path } 2chance, opportunity { O jege chwoŋa se o vo. He has a chance to go. | O ta wo nɛ chwoŋa. He hasn't yet had an opportunity. | pa chwoŋa give permission } 3good, correct way (of life) { O tɔge chwoŋa. He follows a path (he behaves well). } [ chwo-gara , chwo-pwɛa , chwo-veili ]
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chwoori₂ [H ] A1 v belch, burp
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da- [M ] pn pf together, one another, each other { da-swono love for one another | da-ŋwaŋa compassion for each other | da-peiga greeting one another | da-baŋa on top of one another | da-ŋwaane for the sake of one another | Ba pwɛ da-tei ne. They separated from one another. | Kalwoa bam laam gwori da-sia mo. The monkeys are now plucking each other's beans. } cf: daane.
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dááne [H ] A1 1v delay, pass time, "keep long" [Gh.] { Ko dááne. It has been a long time. | O dááne yaga ne. He stayed long-time in the market. | Ko dááne a wo nɛ-m. It's a long time since I saw you. } 2v aux do for a long time, persist { O toŋe o dááne dedɛ. She worked for a long time. }
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daare₁ [L ] A1 1v remain, leave behind { Bɛ mo n di n daare? What have you eaten and left? | n di n daare n zege you set some food aside } 2v aux do next, carry on, continue { ....o laam daare o di. ... he then ate. } [ der. ko daare ]
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daga₁ [H ] v st be many, enough, great { Ko daga. It is plenty. } [ der. dagem ]
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dage₂ [H ] A1 v make clear, point out { O dage jei sem o bere-ne. He told me how to find the place. }
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dale₁ [L ] A1 v 1hide behind, lean against, follow at a distance { Ba dale ba cheigi taane. They secretly listen to conversation. | Baleiga ná dale de tio, ba wó ke-ba daane mo. When a lizard hides by a tree, they treat them both the same (as targets).; Associates may get tarred with the same brush. } (domain: 7.6 - Hide, 7.1.6 - Lean.) 2depend on, trust, take refuge in { dalem jei place of security, refuge }
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damma variant of dana v st be_strong syn: dana 2.
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dana [R ] (variant: damma) v st 1be strong, powerful, well (domain: 2.5 - Healthy, - High status, 2.4.1 - Strong.) 2be hard, difficult syn: damma. (domain: 6.1.3 - Difficult, impossible.) cf: -dɛa.
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danno n pl rafters, small woods placed above and across beams (domain: - Roof.)
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de₃ [M ] DE/YA (pl: deena) n rock python { Kaane ba go de o gwoni de yuu. A woman does not kill a python and cut off its head.; There are norms of role behaviour. } (domain: - Snake.)
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dedɛ [LL ] num many, very much, more { swoona dedɛ many beans | Mɔ na dedɛ. Fetch a lot of water. } syn: zanzam. (domain: - Many, much.)
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