elkthat is; marks a relative clause that is descriptive "Hi-gak hu Ap-Apu e Dios yu." (Leviticus 25:55c)I am the LORD, that is, your God. Manghay ni peteg hi Sedekiah e eleg mampekumbabah nan Ap-Apu e Dios idan helag Israel. (2 Chronicles 36:13b)Sedekiah was very stubborn, that is, he refused to humble himself before the LORD, the God of the descendants of Israel. This linker is used to link two clauses or phrases in a paraphrase; it also marks a relative clause or appositive phrase.
e-eggeldial. var.eggeeggeladv.predto do or say something frequently, the repetition may be at short or long intervalsE-eggel ni kan John ey mambangnad di Kiangan.John often says he wants to go back to Kiangan.Ya etan tuun e-eggel ni sinugun, nem kapyatun manghay ey lektattuy wada meippahding ni hi-gatun kebahbahan tu et eleg ali law mabalin ni mebaddangan. (Proverbs 29:1)The person who is often given advice, but just stubbornly ignores it will finally experience his destruction and can no longer be helped.Sima-ani8.4.7.3Interval
e-ekketInf. ofekket1adv.predquantifies a verbal clause indicating to do something in small amountsE-ekket yun kennen etan detag ma-lat mebabbayyag ni me-puh.You eat the meat in small portions so it will last longer.E-ekket yu alan pantal tep mebel-at.Take a small amount of sand because it is heavy.2transto give a small amount; small quantityKantuy ekketen ku dawat ni hi-gatu ey tuka pepillit ni e-duman ku et idwat kun emin.I was thinking of giving him a little but he was forcing me to give more so I gave him all.Inekket ku pakan etan ni ahhu ey agtu damengu kanen ni emin.I gave a little food to the dog yet it did not even eat it all.
e-ettengInf. ofetengadjto be bigger than anotherMulla ala etan e-etteng ni besen et pengi-katan eyan ubi.Go and get the bigger basin for the sweet potatoes that we take out.E-tteng hu ahhu tu nem yah u ahhuk.His dog is bigger than my dog.8.2Big
e-leganInf. ofelegtrans1to reject something or refuse to do somethingInamtak e e-legan tu etan iddawat mun hi-gatun balwasi.I knew that he would reject the clothes you were going to give to him.Inlegan tu etan nakka iddawat ni pantaloon.He rejected the pair of pants that I am giving to him.Inlegan Rose hi Mary ni mekillaw ni hi-gadad Kiangan.Rose refused to let Mary go along with them to Kiangan. -anClass 5C Goal oriented sites2to forbid; to prevent someone from doing somethingIkka-leg dakan mekillaw tep endi manha-ad di baley yu.They will prevent you from going along because there is no one to stay in your house.Kaw mabalin ni e-legen hu pebenyagan da? (Acts 10:47b)Can their baptism be forbidden?,-en/-in-
e-paander. ofepanoma place for landing or alighting, e.g., bird, planeTu nan-iga-ga ida hu tuud Nepayew et da ilepun kinep-ahan etan keikkapyaan ni e-paan ni duplanu.He urged the people of Nepayew and they started clearing the area for the airplane to land.Nem endi e-paan tu tep nanengtun dakel hu danum et mambangngad etan di bapor et ipahgep Noah. (Genesis 8:9)But there was no place to alight because there was still a lot of water (on the earth) and so it (the dove) returned to the ship/ark and Noah took it in.-an
e-tanintransto move away, transferHedin man-e-tan kayu, ey hi-gada hu memukkal ni Tabernacle niya hi-gada mengiyayyaggud ni kei-tanan yu. (Numbers 1:51a) Whenever you move, they (the Levites) will be the ones to dismantle the Tabernacle, and they will be the ones to set it up again where you move it to. Entanni ey ninemnem Esau ni man-e-tan di edum ni bebley ma-lat meidawwin Jacob. (Genesis 36:6) Then Esau decided to move away and transfer to another place in order to be far from Jacob.7.2MovemaN-naN-man-e-tan
ebatransto carry someone on the backBabies and small children are usually the ones carried in a shawl on the back.Ikay et ebaen mu hi mahiken tep ay nablayyak.Come and carry baby-boy because I am tired.Imbak hi Guhhep ni nebutngan tu ey kaumyuhen. I carried Guhhep on my back when he was drunk and he was sliding downward.Hi-gatu nenge-ebban hi-gak ni keu-ngngak. She was the one who had been carrying me when I was a baby.Impa-ba tun agitu hu u-ungnga et an man-a-ayyam.He had his brother carry the baby and went to play.Impa-ba-ak ni hi-gatu tep makaggeh hu helik et eleggak pakedalan.I had him carry me on his back because my foot was painful and so I could not walk.7.3.1Carry-en/-in-Class 3F Move an object along with oneself
ebabbaInf. ofbabbaadj1for something to be lowNeitungkil hu ulu tun nan-udyukan da etan di ebabban langtay. His head was bumped as they bent to pass underneath the low bridge. someone to be shortEbabba hu ingkatuun Teddy.Teddy is a short person by nature., not talle-
ebahtransto remove some water from pool or river; to cause less water to pass by dammingImbahan da etan lebeng di Indapay ey neukat hu dewwan deli.They removed water from the lake at Indapay and two eel were removed.Kaw hi-gayu an nangbah ni lebeng di Baguyung?Are you the ones who removed water from the lake at Baguyung?Na-bahan law hu danum di Asipolo.The water in Antipolo was reduced.Kamangke-bahi kunu mewan hu danum di Camman.They said that the water in Camman is again reducing.Inang-ang nangbahan dan lebeng di Ambuhayya.We saw when they reduced the water in Ambuhayya lake. something out of something-an/-in-
ebakstamaturation of plant, specifically beansHedin me-bak ali etan pukdu yulli illa et itlu yun tanem.When those beans mature, get them and keep them for planting.Inang-ang ku eman ni tuka pangkeba-ki nem linewwan kun an illa.I saw when it was maturing but I forgot to get it. vegetablesme-/ne-Class 6B Process or state of inanimate objects
ebalna piece of cloth used to absorb menstrual blood
eban1na shawl used for carrying infants or small children2transto carry someone with a shawlThe carrying shawl is most commonly used for carrying babies and small children. However, it is sometimes used for carrying sick or drunk adults.Eban ali hi mahhiken et nak ali umlan pagey di alang tep endi kennen tayu.You carry baby boy and I will go and get rice in the granary because we have nothing to eat.Hi-gak nenge-ebban hi-gatu ingganah ne-e-ettengan tu.I was the one who had been carrying him until he was grown up.Nakka umhigan umebaeban nebuteng tep hin-addum ni deita kauttai.I am reluctant to be carrying drunk people because sometimes they vomit on you.7.3.1Carry-en/-in-
ebattrans1to make a comment; to answer back immediately; to answer a question before another person has a chance to answerTuka e-batan emin hu nakka e-hela. He comments on everything I say.Endi gaputun mu pengbatan ni hipan kae-helan Tony.There is no reason for you to make comments on whatever Tony says. -anClass 5C Goal oriented sites2to respond to the call of an omen birdImbat tu hu ehel etan ni pitpit nem eleggak awatan hu inhel tu.He responded to the call of the omen bird but I did not understand what he said.iC1-/iN-
ebawstaholes in terraces caused by rainNa-baw hu sinneng kun kaalman tep kamanu-udan.The terrace I made yesterday has holes because of the continuous raining.Simguhngaw6.2.4Tend a fieldna-Class 6B Process or state of inanimate objects
ebdidintransto smell badKaman-ebdid etan namwel ni detag.The decayed meat is smelling bad.2.3.4SmellmaN-/naN-Class 1C General class - Tastes, odors and other features of entities
ebeh11transto follow in a sequence of actionsImbeh dakeyullin kaalman di Dugyu.We came after you yesterday to Dugyu.Anin ew ni man-ebeebeh itsun mengngan tep kulang duyu.Never mind if we eat one after the other because there are not enough plates.iC1-/iN-Time adverbial predicates2transto do something laterImpa-beh kamin immalidya tep hingged mi hi Apu Lukbut.We came later because we had to wait for grandmother Lukbut. be in a sequence of actions, e. g. in a queueHipa mei-beh?Who is next?Nei-beh kamin hi-gayun linawwan yu la.We left after you had gone., sequencemei-/nei-
ebeh21na ritual performed after the birth of a baby when either the mother or the baby is sickMengbeh idad baley di Imbagiw tep kamandedgeh ey pakeungnga tuThey will-perform-ebeh at Imbagiw’s house because she is sick just after giving birth.4.9.5Practice religionmeN-/naN-2stato be sick, of the mother or baby immediately after birthNa-beh hi ina ni nengiungngaan tun hi-gak.My mother was sick after she gave birth to me.me-/na-
ebelstato be wet, to be soaked Na-bel kamin nahdem tep ya udan.We were wet last night because of the rain.Ya hamuy ni bibil tun na-bel ni mir ey heni etan ni banglun lily. (Song of Songs 5:13b) The smell of his lips wet with myrrh is like the fragrant smell of lilies. Simkepet1.3.3Wetna-
ebidensyahnevidenceHedin yimmudung etan patul ni manhuwet, ey tuka paka-ang-angadda ni etan ebidensyah ma-lat amtaen tudda kayyaggud niya lawah ni neipahding. (Proverbs 20:8) When the king sits to judge a case, he examines the evidence so that he will know the good things and the bad things that happened. falsehood4.7.5.1Investigate a crimeLanguage of Borrowing: English: evidence
ebkaltransto remove something from its placeLakkay et mu pan-ebkalen ida eman batu ni ittuping tayu.Go and pull out those rocks for us to use in building rock walls. Kan Josiah ey, "Diman humman ni kulung. Entan tu ebkal hu genit diman." (2 Kings 23:18a)Josiah said, "Leave that grave. Don't disturb/remove his bones from there.", take apart-en/-in-Class 4D Release, remove or detach object
ebligsp. var. ofabligtransto whip someone with the use of a rope or belt or other similar itemsAntan pansiwsiw tep ebligen daka et umnangih ka.Don't be naughty because I will whip you and you will cry.4.7.7Punish
ebtutintransto have a very bad, rotten-type odor; stinking odorKaman-ebtut etan nabwel ni utut.The rotten rat stinks.Et ya la etan mebanglun hamuy da ey mambalin alin kaman-ebtut. (Isaiah 3:24a)And their fragrant smell in the past will turn into something that stinks.2.3.4SmellmaN-/naN-Class 1C: Tastes, odors and other features of entities
ebuh1adv.predonlyEbuh hi Jane ni immaliddadya baley mi eman ni kasal di Bahag.Only Jane came here in our house during the wedding in Bahag. imperative; don'tEbuh kaya.Don't do it!
ebuheconjthenHedin kinamhan ni bii law, ebuhe illugi law ni tuu mangge-ud.When the women have cleaned the weeds, then the people can start to plow.Inang-ang tu hi Peter et ebuhe yumudung. (Acts 9:40e)She (Tabitha, opened her eyes and) saw Peter and then she sat up., sequence9.2.5.2Clause conjunctions