Browse Keley-i



C1C1 is the form that represents the copying of the first consonant of a rootThe form co-occurs with affixes that end in a vowel and that express non-past time, i.e. present and future tense.
C2C2 is the entry form that represents the copying of the medial consonant of a rootThe form co-occurs with affixes that end in a consonant and that express non-past time, i.e. present and future tense.
CacahhaProp.Nthe name of a village in Antipolo9.7.2Name of a place
CamandagProp.Nthe name of a village in Antipolo municipality9.7.2Name of a place
camotena sweet potato5.2FoodLanguage of Borrowing: Spanish
canyaosp. var. ofkanyao
CatamaProp.Na male name9.7.1Name of a person
CatulProp.Nthe name of a village in the Amduntog area9.7.2Name of a place
Christianosp. var.KristianoProp.NChristian
Christosp. var.KristoProp.NChrist, a title given to Jesus by GodChrist means “the Anointed one” which refers to the appointment of Jesus to be the Savior of all who believe in him.Pintey dadda hu intenu-dak Apu Dios ni immalin mengippeamtan ellian nan Christo e kayyaggud ni peteg. (Acts 7:52b)They killed those who made known the coming of Christ, the Righteous One. 4.9.3Theology
CuyappiProp.Na female name9.7.1Name of a person
CV- -C2-nthe CV part of the form represents the reduplication of the first syllable of a root and the C2 part of the form represents the gemination of the medial consonant of the rootThe form expresses plurality of the referent of the root. For example, babakka is the plural form of baka 'cow'.han-aamma
CV- C1- -C2nthe form expresses the concept of diminutive; the CV part of the form is a reduplication of the first syllable of the root, the C1 part of the form is a gemination of the first consonant of the root, the C2 part of the form is the gemination of the medial consonant of the rootThis form expresses the meaning that the referent of the root is 'small'. For example, the word talak refers to a vehicle. When this form is added to the root, tattallak, the word refers to a toy truck or car.
CV(C)-intransprefix, this prefix is a reduplicant form that expresses a continuative time aspect; expresses an uninterrupted durative time activityKamambe-be-haw etan maetung ni kennen ni pakeibnew di duyu.The hot food just served on the plate is steaming.Hipa kadwam ni annambangbangka?Who was your companion who went boating?SimCVC1-Morphophonology: The actual form of the prefix reduplicant, CV or CVC, depends on whether the first syllable of the root is an open or closed syllable. If there is resyllabification with gemination of the C2 of the root, the CVC reduplicant form will co-occur. The prefix simply reduplicates the first syllable of the root. affixes9.4.1Tense and aspect
CV(C).CV-vprefix, this prefix is a reduplicant form that expresses a habitual aspect; expresses a frequent or regular activityBimma-dung hi Tuggaden et beddabeddangen da.Tuggaden created trouble so they have been restraining him. (frequently restraining) affixes9.4.1Tense and aspect
CVC1-intransprefix, this prefix is a reduplicant form that expresses a continuative time aspect; expresses an uninterrupted durative time activityNandiddittum ida etan batun kadellana. The stones placed as a walkway are touching each other.SimCV(C)-Morphophonology: This prefix reduplicant co-occurs only with roots that have the syllable pattern, CVC.CV(C) and has homogeneous (identical) consonants across the medial syllable boundary. affixes9.4.1.2Aspect--dynamic verbs