Browse Keley-i



meweddaanInf. ofwadastafor a woman to conceive; for a woman to become pregnantMeweddaan na-mulli law hi Margie.Margie might be conceiving now. -an/ne- -an
meyutmutintransto talk a lot; talkativeKamanmemeyyutmut hi Ullanih tep ya bunget tun neipahding ni hi-gatu. Ullanih is talking a lot because of his anger over what happened to him.Simmahepit3.5.1.2Talk about a subjectmaN-/naN-Class 1C -Types of behavior
mipro1we, 1st person plural, exclusive pronounKinan mi etan detag ni inhaeng mi ni nahdem.We ate the meat that we cooked last night.The form expresses the subjective grammatical relationship with the verb. The form is a member of Set 1 pronouns.9.2.3Pronouns2pronoun, 1st person plural possessive, exclusive; our exclusiveHimmaliman ey immali idad baley mi.They came to our house early.kanmi
middaprowe-them; this compound pronoun refers to the 1st person plural exclusive that is the subjective pronoun meaning 'we, not you' and also refers to the 3rd person plural objective pronoun meaning 'them'; Set 3Indawtan midda ni kennen da.We gave them their food.9.2.3Pronouns
midyahanna bottle for kerosene6.7.7Container
mimi1nurineMahemuy hu mimi di dallin tep ida kamanmimi hu u-ungnga di diman.The urine smells outside the house because the kids urinate there.2.2.7Urinate, urine2intransto urinatemaN-/naN-
mingmingvto strike at the right spot
minminvto bargain
mitmit1transto crush something, e.g., tin canAggak amta gaputun tu nanmitmitan etan ni lata ni tallu-an ni megmeg ni manuk.I don't know the reason why he crushed the can used for storing chicken-feed.Simditditpitpit27.8.1Break
mitmit2stato eat slowlyNemitmit ni mengngan hi ina.Mother eats slowly.5.2.2Eatne-
mittuduhna teacherMittuduh hi aman Jose.Jose's father is a teacher.6Work and occupation
mortisena hole cut in a piece of timber for the insertion of the tenon of another piece of timber; a square hole in a piece of timberNekuwadladuh ni netaketak ni telek ni keihhukyupan ni nekuwadladuh ni utduk ni tabla.The hole for the insertion of the tenon (lit. square end) of another piece of timber is square-shaped.6.5.2Parts of a buildingLanguage of Borrowing: English
mupro1you, 2nd person singular pronounLakay et mu itudun hi-gada etan ebbaten dan umlaw di Mayyaggud.Go and you point them in the direction that they will go to Mayyaggud.The form expresses the subjective grammatical relationship with the verb. The form is a member of Set 1 pronouns.9.2.3Pronouns2pronoun, 2nd person possessive; yourKaw inad-adan mu ngipen mun kakkabuhan?Did you brush your teeth yesterday?kanmu
mu-aksp. var. ofmuwak
mu-lihvto remove clothes; to undress; to be half-naked or nakedAntan pammu-mu-lih tep ketel et meelleg ka. Do not stay half-dressed because it is chilly and you will catch a cold.Simbeladpeluh5.3.8NakedmaN-/naN-
mudagvdescribes a person who is quiet and uninvolved in conversations or discussionThe word may imply that the person described is not thoughtful or intelligent.Nemudag hi Gakgakan et humman hu hahhakkey ida hu ayyam tu.Gakgakan is a quiet and uninvolved person hence he has few
muddaproyou-them; this compound pronoun refers to the 2nd person singular that is the subjective pronoun meaning 'you' and also refers to the 3rd person plural objective pronoun meaning 'them'Lakkay di bawang et mudda pangan.You go inside and feed them.The compound form functions like Set 3 pronouns.9.2.3Pronouns
mudmudstadescribes a person who is hesitant to talk or who seldom talksHahhakkey ehel tu tep nemudmud.She has few words because she is hesitant to talk.3.5.1Sayne-, ne- -anClass 6C Characteristics of human nature
mugalstato be half asleep
mukkelstato be round in shape or formEhel mun Grace et buklien tu eman nemukkel ni puyek.Tell Grace to squeeze into pieces the round-shaped soil.
mukmuktransto shave off the hair on the headMinukmukan da hu ulu tu et endin hekey hu bewek tu.They shaved off the hair on his head and so he has no hair at all.Simtuggak2.1.5Hair-an/-in- -annemukmukan
mukun1intransto perform a traditional religious ritualThe purpose of this ritual is to ask a certain deity or deities for guidance and protection when facing opposition in an event, either a physical or mental encounter.Nammukun idad baley dan nahdem et han ida lumaw ni nunyan an mekihhummangan ni meippanggep ni pappeg ni payew.They performed the mukun-ritual last evening before they went today to discuss concerning a rice-field boundary. ceremonymaN-/naN-Class 1C - Purposeful activities or actions
mukun2conjthat's why, conjunction that marks the result of a reason stated in the preceding clauseEleg da amta pehding dad payew et mukun nekilaw hi ameda.They do not know what to do in the rice-field and that is why their father went along.This conjunction connects a reason statement with the result statement. The reason statement precedes the conjunction. conjunctions9.6.2.6Result
mulmultransto suck something, e.g., hard candy turning it about in the mouth5.2.2.1Bite, chew-an/-in- -an