a-cfam-advpfxQuestion Marker for a polar (yes/no) questionPeei ameaꞌaumo? - ImodudioCan you see the canoe? - It's there.Umo amiꞌi ka?Have you understood?
aa'umufreqaa'umutividrownRuu ai-paa'umo, oboi-da.She drowned in the water
aa'umutionceaa'umuvdrown, used when a number of people or animals drown separately in a single event.Peei ai-poruhobia uubi rautu, tuai-da, ka ami'ai ai-paa'umutimo.The canoe overturned in the ocean, with people, and some drowned.
aabeeꞌevwhen a watercourse (river, drain, well) extends itselfAra oomoi ihaha aabee'e.This river is really getting wide.
aaboriacfaboriavwhen a baby starts sucking on it's mothers breast
aadinsponge something to make it coolerDubu obo gua'oi-da aadi tamai erara-ka.With cool water, sponge the man's hot skin.
aadohutionceaadohomaivisettle down, die down, as in waves or coals becoming smallerTuomo-ra aubo-rai aadohuti-ka, piroha iiꞌii-kaThe storm wind and the waves finished, they grew quiet.Abumo'a, auboi madohuti-ka Don't go across until the waves die downRoo odau'a heamoi madohuti-ka Do not go till the fight has settled down.
aahuadjstrong, often used as a call of warning, to be careful or to be strong.antpapa
aahuiꞌovreject, say noMark-ro pahui'o iema'aimo raai. Mark rejected the thing they gave
aahuꞌiocfaahuꞌiodoaivpush away, or push out a little way, the way the tide pushes something a small distance
aahuꞌiodoaicfaahuꞌioaahuꞌiodoaitutivpush out a long way, give a big push so that something goes a long way outOboi ai-oruo pei ita aahu'iodoai. When the water is going out, it must push the canoe out
aahuꞌuLLHLadjstrong, hardPamukiri: ruu geega hura-ka, mereri aibo-ka, irai ruu tamai amiꞌai ahu-ka, amiꞌai hoobobo-ka.Pumpkin: it is a large fruit, like a melon, but its flesh is somewhat hard, somewhat soft., firm