ka1correlconnand, simple connection of clausesRuu pupuo bebi-ka, ruu mea-ha ka tupi gimo bia.He is a strong baby, he is well and has not been sick.2advthenKa ooboi-ro aa'oi-ka, mereei eito...Then the woman said to the child...
=kaprtmarks a declaration in focusOmo geemai pairai-ka Oapo.The name of the main river is Oapo.Bomoi peei rioi-da-ka.The pig is in the canoe.Mea hiꞌa Ogori ooꞌui-ka.Ogoni turned up right on time.Ogori-ro imeꞌai-ka, moo-ro aaꞌoi-ka ita ooꞌu-ka.Ogoni met us, and I told him that he must come to our house.
-kaamevsfxplural subject in questions and uncertainties in near past (this morning) tense.Rimo ai-piremegi kaame obototoi ohui-da...If we were jumping from high off the wharf (this morning)...... ka omoi-da riobo kaame iiho raai.... in the river we tried to caught fish to eat (this morning).
kaaranmangrove, can be used for building, bark can be scraped and squeezed to make red colour, has a longer fruit than ii'a / re'e.1.5.1Tree
kaaroadjbarren, unable to have childrenRuu kaaro oobo-ka. She is a barren woman.
kaarunshort species of pandanas used for weaving baskets
kabesiEnglcabbagencabbage, general term for edible greenssynraabari
kaeamunsmall carving given special power through cannibalism
kaeaudial. var.morobaGoWnspecies of plant, when dry the leaf is used as paper to roll cigarettes, the roots are good as a cough medicineUbuo, Buri, Bavi, Meagoma, Gibi
kahamunstrong muscle that goes over the top of the shoulder
kahaꞌauaena small tree, of which the fruit and new leaves can be eaten. Old leaves are used as a form of steel wool for cleaning pots.
kahiticfmumukunsnail that is good to eat, very good for bait, and good in miꞌa (soup), often found in nipa palms, collected when the tide is going down (imahobo)
kahurinvery young crabs. This is when they are very small, they are kahuri kehi (small kahuri) and will change shells under the debris, in a hollow log, or in the soft mud. This stage lasts some months. After kahuri kehi comes kahuri geega (large kahuri). This is when they hold onto the mother crab with their claws, and change shells under the care of their mother, when it is dark because there is no moon. When the shell becomes hard enough, they let go of the mother, and are then muti.
kahuruadjunripe fruit, young fruit. Fruit goes from kahuru, to maꞌora (half ripe) to boꞌu (ripe).
kaiaMotukaianknifeMoo-ro kaiai-da midi uꞌuai-ka.I chopped at its back with my knife.syneꞌa-kaiaeꞌakere6.7Tool
kaidaadvand then, unexpected development in a storyAiha potidioumo burio-burio, Kaida piro'uumo rimo, rimo-ro ara dubai ai-piremee'aumo.Therefore it was standing there for many years, and then we came, we saw that banana.