=taposttoGaboi moo-ta piremapuiHe showed me the way
taamudial. var.kapuBaBuGiMUobahiꞌonspecies of plant with long leaves and strong red flowers, grows in sago swamps and leaves are used to stop sago leaking out. Can eat new shoots with rehebo to reduce the sourness of the rehebo.
taamuunspecies of plant with long leaves and either a red or a green stem
taaroHHHndrying rack that sits or hands high enough above the fire that things do not cook, but are kept dry. Often used to dry fish, or to store leftover sago.5.6.3Wash dishes
taaꞌuonspecies of tree found deep in the forest, has reddish wood and rough bark like riripi
tahiꞌinedible larva of a beetle that lives in dead dimio, hi'ua, kokohuru and kome'e trees(tricondyla aptera Olivier (Carbidae: Cicindelinae))
tahoonlarge prawn speciesOdai-ka, tahooi ioboi-ka, kimai aꞌai-da, rai eꞌuai-ka.They would catch prawns, and throwing lines they would catch fish.
taimuEngtimentimeMoo-ro aaꞌo taimui Urio Abeai iha pireidai moo oroiꞌioi eito.And that was the time I accepted God into my life.8.4Time
tairamuHMtainamo: mosquito netnmosquito netTuria-ha duoi roo tairamui goroi-da ma robuti.Sleep under a mosquito net every night.2.5.1Sick
taitainnear, close byOhiꞌiai taitai eito.; Irooꞌumoi-da Era-Kiti goꞌotoi taitai-da, iridiri aiha podoꞌia.Come over really close.; As we came up past Era-Kiti village the engine stopped working.Ka tutu ta-piroꞌumo, Mapaio taitai hiꞌai-da, kiauka omuhobiai-ka.We had already come a long way and were close to Mapaio, and that's where we sank.Miro iara totoi-da otoꞌai-ka, iodouti mahumoi oropoiꞌo taitai idomai omodoꞌiai-ka.When Miro reached the last platform, he shot the last two arrows, blinding its eyes.Rimo ario taitai-da, moo abeai umo ododiai bia, moo peei barai-da irotoꞌai-da, emediꞌai-ka, oboi eito.But when we were about to stop, without letting my father know, I stood on the side of the canoe and jumped into the water.7.2.4Travel
taituHMtaitun1yam, general name for yams2yam species that has round fruit with no thorns and produces many tubers
tama1n1skinOroi-ro tamai ai-amoadomodi, kehi temeteme bia.If the prickles prick your skin they can be quite painful.Raꞌati-gimoi ruu tamai-gugao, tamai-erara, epui-temeteme, ree-oboꞌobo.Malaria is characterised by chill, fever, headache and diarrhoea.Moo iha giꞌepui piraꞌai, hibai-ro moo umui ioꞌomuai-da, mia moo tamai aiha piriamohoꞌo, ...I felt really sad about my dog when the crocodile seized him, and my body was trembling, ...Mea hiꞌa dui-ka: Ara dui-ro roo tamai omoabai aꞌai-ka. Gimo tiato-ka.Very good foods. These foods will help your body to be free of sickness.2.1Body2bark (of tree)Ka dubui dui imuti-ka, dui tamai kukui imomotoboi-ka.The man peels the bark off the sago, and supports the bark with stakes.1.5.6Parts of a plantcomp.oto-tamaoto1ruꞌatamaruꞌatuꞌa tamatuꞌa
tama2adjtameEIDI auo aibo-ka, roo-ro eaꞌai-da tamai-ka, heamo bia.AIDS is like a snake, that when you see it looks tame, not dangerous.1.6Animal