Lopit Alphabet Order


The words in this dictionary are listed according to the order of the Lopit letters.  Lopit has 24 letters, and they are in the following order.


Lopit Alphabet
A a [a] awoŋ monkey
B b [b] batak pig
C c [c] cieŋi bird
D d [d] demi knife
E e [ɛ] efir he is fat, big
F f [f] fotir warthog
G g [g] goro gourd jug
H h [h] hidoŋ drum
I i [i] itak ostrich
J j [ɟ] jani local broom
K k [k] kebu hoe
L l [l] leime lion
M m [m] moti pot
N n [n] noŋorwo wife
Ny ny [ɲ] nyaŋi crocodiles
Ŋ ŋ [ŋ] ŋidony monkey
O o [ɔ] oromo digging
P p [p] por mancala game
R r [ɾ] rabolo bananas
S s [s] sohoti palm tree
T t [t] tome elephant
U u [u] buhu shield
W w [w] wolo dove
Y y [j] yani tree