amadaellael ʔa³³ma³³-tɛ⁵⁵læ⁵⁵n.aunt; father's fifth-to-oldest brother's wife; fifth-to-oldest paternal aunt (affinal); mother's fifth-to-oldest sister; fifth-to-oldest maternal aunt最小的伯母/zuì xiǎo de bómǔ/Ngama azzi-nimo zza arddeirnga a, ngorler ddei leil "amadaellael" ae. 我妈妈有姐妹的话,第五个叫“amadaellael”。If my mother has sisters, the fifth (younger sister under her) is called "amadaellael".1. /amadaellael becomes /-madaellael/ following /yar-/, /nia-/ or /nga-/./amadaellael/ 变为 /-madaellael/,跟在 /yar-/, /nia-/ 或 /nga-/ 之后。There are five levels for the term maternal 'aunt'. If a person actually has five maternal aunts, the youngest aunt is /amadaellael/; the next one or second one going up in age is: /ama(qie)qie/; the third one going up in age is: /ama(bbaex)bbaex/; the fourth one going up in age is: /ama(leix)leix/; the fifth one going up in age, i.e. the oldest maternal aunt is: /ama(dae)dae/ or /ama(vaer)vaer.alyixr-maya ʔa⁵⁵ʝi̞²¹ma³³-ʝa³³

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