Credits & acknowledgements


The elaboration of this dictionary started in 2004 under the direction of:

  • Bienvenue N. SAMBIENI

Members of SIL are working on the dictionary:

  • Johannes MERZ
  • Sharon MERZ

Many other members of the Bebelibe community have contributed towards the elaboration of this dictionary, most notably:

  • Claire KOMBETTO
  • Elisée Kouagou TAOUEMA
  • Théophile TCHANATE


We have used the following works to establish the zoological and biological information presented in the dictionary:

Arbonnier, Michel. 2009. Arbres, arbustes et lianes des zones sèches d’Afrique de l’Ouest; troisième édition. Versailles: Éditions Quæ and Paris: MNHN.

Borrow, Nik and Demey, Ron. 2001. Birds of Western Africa. London: Christopher Helm.

Kingdon, Jonathan. 2004. The Kingdon Pocket Guide to African Mammals. London: A&C Black.

Lamarque, François. 2004. Les grands mammifères du complexe WAP. Montpellier: CIRAD.