

1 first person, ‘I’, ‘we’
2 second person 'you' singular or plural
3 Third person 'he', 'she', 'it', 'they'
Adv_Pred0 Adverb occurring after the verb but before the Object
Adv_Pred1 Adverb occurring after the Object, but before any other peripheral constituents in the clause
Adv_PredP Adverb occurring among or after the peripheral constituents in the clause
Adv_PrePredP Adverb occurring immediately before the verb or nonverbal predicate (could also be viewed as a modal auxiliary)
Adv_QuantP Adverb that modifies quantifiers
Adv_S Sentence final adverb
alt. alternate form
cf cross reference
comp compound
conj conjunction
construction: Construction or syntactic frame in which an item occurs
def. Vernacular definition or other comments about the item
dem. Demonstrative
Dem. Pro. Demonstrative pronoun
det. determiner
dial. var. Dialectal variant, form used by another dialect
EXC 'we’ with hearer excluded
Gen Suf Genitive suffixes occurring on inalienable nouns indicating person and number of the possessor
INC ‘we’ with the hearer included
Intj Interjection
N Noun
N Ev Event noun
N Inal Inalienable noun
N Inal Comp Inalienable Compound Noun
N Inal_Ev Inalienable event noun
N Inal Stative Stative Inalienable Noun
N Inal Stative Ev Stative Inalienable Noun Event
N Proper Proper noun
N Stat Stative Noun
Non Suf Nominal Suffix
opposite: words having the opposite or nearly opposite meaning, antonyms
Opt. Inflected Optionally inflected verb
PL Plural marker
Pref Transitivity-altering prefix occurring on verbs
Prep Preposition
Pro Prnoun
Pronoun formative The third person singular suffix –ni that occurs in some pronouns
Quantifier Quantifiers (both numerals and non-numeric quantifiers)
SG Singular number
similar: words that are very similar in meaning, synonyms
sfx suffix
Subject prefix Subject prefix occurring on inflected verbs that indicates person and number of the Subject
Suffix construction The construction in which the lexical item normally occurs
syn: Synomym
unspec. comp. form unspecified complex form
V_Intr Intransitive verb
V_Intr_Uninfl Uninflected intransitive verb, which does not take the Subject prefixes
V_Intr/Tr Verb that can be either intransitive or transitive
V_Middle Verb whose Subject and Object are obligatorily coreferential
V_Middle/Tr Verb that can be either transitive or middle
V_Middle/Tr_UninflG Verb that can be either transitive or middle and which does not take the Subject prefixes
V_Middle_Uninfl Verb whose Subject and Object are obligatorily coreferential and which does not take the Subject prefixes
V_Scomp Verb taking a sentential complement
V_Tr Transitive verb
V_Tr_Uninfl Transitive verb that does not take the Subject prefixes
Serial verb Verb commonly occurring in serialised constructions