Browse Nafaanra - English



kelɛɛ1nold thingsNa lewo na Kristo pe nunu kre, u pe lewo fɔŋgɔ, u kelɛɛ yire wa mu kefɔnyi wru.When a person is one with Christ, he will be a new person and his old things will be gone and he will have new things.
kelɛɛ2nold thingKena e laa e kelɛɛlɛ yire kro, yire kee yire yira tia e naa nyjɛ yi n fna pini.Then you leave off all your old self that caused you to be doing bad things.
kenaadvthenKena mu sɛ ra?Then will you go?
kenɛɛrɛnmany mattersMaa kenɛɛrɛ nyjɛ kro, kro tɔ.Don't be following every matter.
keŋgenfirewoodAbraham na kenyi cha, mna yi pɔ mu taa u bubnɔ na.Abraham got some firewood and tied it on his donkey.
kepeensurprised, amazedKi pe kro pe kepee ni.It caused the all to be amazed.
kepelenconduct, behaviourU kepele n nyu.His behaviour is not good.
kesakranevilE yire yi na e na pe linkuuro kee na kesakraɛ nyjɛ pe pini peyɛ na yire le.You look at the murder and the evil things they are doing themselves.
keshiannimportantKi keshian n wa u na.It is not important to him.
keshuɛadvunimportantYaa shia ni mɛɛ yeeri keshuɛ na. Ŋgi na? Mi, e Tafun Nyiɛkpɔɔ wre, mbe ŋmba u ni mɛɛ yeeri keshuɛ na kre ndie tini.You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
ketaannsweet messagePe sɛ ketaan kre kpali.They spread the good news.
ketɛɛnnsweet talkKetɛɛn yi yilii pe nyuu, la, dnumu kee yii wa pe lolonyi nu.Sweet talk comes out of their mouths but cheating comes from their hearts.
ketlenabusive talkerLewo wa jaa u lɛɛ kee yo, ketle yofun pan.A person is not able to say personal things to an abusive person.
kewaanempty wordKee ŋga ni e nyina kre, kewaa ma, e ŋmaa kee yi.The things I am teaching you are not empty words but they are your life.
kewaaranempty wordsKee ŋga ni yuu mu pa kre kewaara ma.The things I am saying to you are not empty words.
kewrɛŋgɛnviolent matterNa kewrɛŋgɛ fo mu mu da kuraa Nyiɛkpɔɔ we mu shɔ.When a misfortune comes to you, God will protect you.
keyɛŋgɛntruthNa u n chin na keyɛŋgɛ ki pini.Then he didn't know that the truth was happening.
keyiranjealouslyKeyira sisaa paan na linkuuro ni.Bad jealousy brings murder.
keyirafunnjealous personNdro ŋmba krɔ ki kun kre kee fiɛrɛ ni, a keyirafun n ka prɔ kuraa.One needs to fear an angry person, and a jealous person is worse.
keyoovproclaimPaara mu kpra li mu keyoo nu.Talk and be faithful in your talking.
1nhand, armA mblɛ pe pe ŋmbilɛ pini chichie kre, u kɛ toni pe na.Those who do good to their fellows, he puts his hand on them.2vgiveNi kɛ nyumu taan mbe ni gbo!Give me sweet water to drink!3adjtenNi wolo kɛ.My ten friends.
kɛbaŋganamuletNa Kofi u kɛbaŋga le kena mu chin na tunhaa u sie.If you see Kofi wearing his arm amulet, you know he is going to fight.
kɛɛ1vcontinuative form of 'kɛ' giving or sharingSro kre kɛɛ nyini nɛɛ.Sharing of the food will be in many ways.2nhand or armKii wa u kɛɛ.The matter is in his hand.U kɛnyi yire nyeeri.He has raised his hands.
kɛɛpɔɔnbush catU kɛɛpɔɔ wre pɛɛri na pɛlɛ ni.He trapped the bush cat.
kɛgbrɛnbraceletChlɔ wre uyɛ san na kɛgbrɛ ni.The woman has decorated herself with bracelets.