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**This Beta version of the Naskapi Dictionary is  currently under construction. The existing Naskapi Online Dictionary can be found here.


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Browse Naskapi - English

ᐃᐛᐃᑭᓂᒐᐤvaishe/he makes pounded dried meatiiwaahiikiniihchaaw
ᐃᐛᐃᑭᓐnidried, powdered meatiiwaahiikin
ᐃᐛᐃᒐᐤvaishe/he pounds dried meatiiwaahiichaaw
ᐃᐛᐛᐤvaiit (anim) is powdered fishiiwaawaaw
ᐃᐛᐱᐊᐤvtashe/he makes a fringe on it (anim)iiwaapiihaaw
ᐃᐛᐱᑕᐤvai+oshe/he makes a fringe on itiiwaapiihtaaw
ᐃᐛᐱᔪᐤvai/iiit is hanging in fringesiiwaapiyuw
ᐃᐛᐳᐛᐤviiit is overfull of liquidiiwaapuwaaw
ᐃᑈᐧᑲᐅᓇᑯᓱᐤvaishe/he looks smartiipwaahkaaunaakusuw
ᐃᑈᐧᑲᐛᐊᐤvtashe/he makes him/her smart; she/he trains, tames it (anim)iipwaahkaawaahaaw
ᐃᑈᐧᑲᐤviiit is smart, intelligentiipwaahkaaw
ᐃᑎᑎᒻvtishe/he hears a certain sounditiihtim
ᐃᑎᓯᒧᐤvaishe/he flees to thereitisimuw
ᐃᑎᓴᐛᐤvtashe/he sends him/her, it (anim)iitisaahwaaw
ᐃᑎᔅᑕᐤvai+oshe/he puts it in place, she/he writes ititistaaw
ᐃᑎᔪᑕᐤviiit wears out by rubbing on somethingitiyuuhtaaw
ᐃᑎᔪᓱᐤvaiit (anim) wears out by rubbing on somethingitiyuusuw
ᐃᑐᐅᓐniways of doing things, customs, mannersiihtuuun
ᐃᑐᐛᐊᒪᐤvaishe/he combs her/his own hair a certain wayiituwaahamaaw
ᐃᑐᐤvaishe/he does somethingihtuw
ᐃᑐᑎᒧᐛᐤvtashe/he does it for him/herihtuutimuwaaw
ᐃᑐᑎᒻvtishe/he does itihtuutim
ᐃᑐᑐᐛᐤ1vtashe/he does it to him/herihtuutuwaaw

Publication Status

Rough draft

Self-reviewed draft

Community-reviewed draft

Consultant approved

Finished (no formal publication)

Formally published