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**This Beta version of the Naskapi Dictionary is  currently under construction. The existing Naskapi Online Dictionary can be found here.


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Browse Naskapi - English

ᐅᐱᒪᔭᔅᑎᓐviiit leans to the side as it is blown by winduuhpimaayaastin
ᐅᐱᒪᔭᔅᑯᑎᓐviiit (stick-like) leans to the sideuuhpimaayaaskutin
ᐅᐱᒪᔭᔅᑯᑕᐤvai+oshe/he leans it (stick-like) to the sideuuhpimaayaaskutaaw
ᐅᐱᒪᔭᔅᑯᓯᓐvaiit (anim, stick-like) leans to the sideuuhpimaayaaskusin
ᐅᐱᓂᒻvtishe/he lifts ituuhpinim
ᐅᐱᓇᐤvtashe/he lifts him/her, it (anim)uuhpinaaw
ᐅᐱᓇᐧᑯᓱᐤvaishe/he has tuberculosis (lit, she/he has coughing in lungs)uuhpinaahkusuw
ᐅᐱᔅᑕᐎᔪᐛnadher/his diaphragmupistaawiiyuwa
ᐅᐱᔅᑯᑯᑕᑭᓐnidher/his adam's appleupiskukutaakin
ᐅᐱᔅᑯᑯᓇᓐnidher/his joint at the ankle or wristupiskuukunaan
ᐅᐱᔪᐤvaishe/he rises, is lifteduuhpiyuw
ᐅᐳᑯᑕᐤvai+oshe/he hangs it up with a stringuuhpukutaaw
ᐅᐸᐅᑕᐤvai+oshe/he takes it on the plane with her/himuuhpaautaaw
ᐅᐸᐅᔭᐤvtashe/he takes him/her on the plane (with him), she/he flies it (anim, ex pilot, passenger)uuhpaauyaaw
ᐅᐸᐊᒻvtishe/he raises it with something, she/he opens a trapuuhpaaham
ᐅᐸᐤviiit is a narrows, narrowinguhpaaw
ᐅᐸᐱᑕᐤviithe smoke risesuuhpaapitaaw
ᐅᐸᐱᐧᑲᑎᒻvtishe/he ties it (ex bag) up and hoists it upuuhpaapiihkaatim
ᐅᐸᐱᐧᑲᑕᐤvtashe/he ties it (anim, ex animal) up and hoists it upuuhpaapiihkaataaw
ᐅᐸᐱᒐᐱᑎᒻvtishe/he hoists it up (with a rope)uuhpaapichaapitim
ᐅᐸᐱᒐᐱᑕᐤvtashe/he hoists him/her, it (anim) up (with a rope)uuhpaapiihchaapitaaw
ᐅᐸᐱᔅᑲᐤviiit is a narrows between rocksuhpaapiskaaw
ᐅᐸᐳᐤvaishe/he looks upuuhpaapiw
ᐅᐸᒪᐅᐧᒄnidhind leg of caribouupaamaauhkw
ᐅᐸᓱᐤvaishe/he blows upwarduuhpaasuw

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Rough draft

Self-reviewed draft

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Consultant approved

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