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**This Beta version of the Naskapi Dictionary is  currently under construction. The existing Naskapi Online Dictionary can be found here.


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Browse Naskapi - English

ᓯᐛᑭᒥᓯᐤvaiit (liquid) is sweetsiiwaakimisiiw
ᓯᐛᑭᒧᐤviiit is seasoned (salt or sweet) liquidsiiwaakimuw
ᓯᐛᔨᑎᓱᐤvaishe/he abstains from food, she/he fastssiiwaayitiisuw
ᓯᐛᔨᑕᐤvaishe/he is hungry from walkingsiiwaayihtaaw
ᓯᐛᔪᐤvaishe/he is hungrysiiwaayuw
ᓯᐱᐳᐤvaishe/he sits a long time without tiringsiipipuw
ᓯᐱᑎᒻvtishe/he is stubborn, obstinate about itsiipiihtim
ᓯᐱᑎᓐviiit is resistant to coldsiipitin
ᓯᐱᑐᐛᐤvtashe/he is obstinate, stubborn to him/hersiipiihtuwaaw
ᓯᐱᐧᑯᓱᐤvaishe/he has insomnia, cannot sleepsiipiihkusuw
ᓯᐱᑲᐳᐤvaishe/he stands a long time without tiringsiipikaapuuw
ᓯᐱᒋᔅᒍᐤvaishe/he has a good memorysiipichischuw
ᓯᐱᒍᐤvaishe/he is resistant to coldsiipichuw
ᓯᐱᓐviiit is long-lasting, strongsiipin
ᓯᐱᓯᒍᓐviiit is a rivulet (after rain)siipisichuun
ᓯᐱᔅnistream, creek, small riverdimsiipiis
ᓯᐱᔅᒋᐱᑎᒻvtishe/he stretches itsiipischipitim
ᓯᐱᔅᒋᐱᑕᐤ1vtashe/he stretches it (anim)siipischipitaaw
ᓯᐱᔅᒋᐱᑕᐤ2vai+oshe/he makes it stretchsiipischipiihtaaw
ᓯᐱᔅᒋᐱᔪᐤvai/iiit is stretchysiipischipiyuw
ᓯᐱᔅᒋᐱᔭᐊᐤvtashe/he makes it (anim) stretchsiipischipiyaahaaw
ᓯᐱᔅᒋᔅᑭᒻvtishe/he stretches it by body or footsiipischiskim
ᓯᐱᔅᒋᔅᑯᐛᐤvtashe/he stretches it (anim) by body or footsiipischiskuwaaw

Publication Status

Rough draft

Self-reviewed draft

Community-reviewed draft

Consultant approved

Finished (no formal publication)

Formally published