Browse Naskapi - English

ᐃᔭᐸᐅᑎᐧᒄnamale caribouiyaapaautiihkw
ᐃᔭᑎᑯᔅᑲᐤviiit is an area of black spruce treesiiyaahtikuskaaw
ᐃᔭᑎᒄnablack spruce (Picea mariana)iiyaahtikw
ᐃᔭᑎᓐviiit is a different one, it is the wrong oneiyaahtin
ᐃᔭᑎᓯᐤvaishe/he is a different one, the wrong oneiyaahtisiiw
ᐃᔭᑎᔭᐤvtashe/he buys something for him/heriyaahtiyaaw
ᐃᔭᑭᑎᓂᒻvtishe/he puts her/his hand into itiyaakitinim
ᐃᔭᑭᑎᓇᐤvtashe/he puts her/his hand into it (anim)iyaakitinaaw
ᐃᔭᐧᑭᓱᓐnibough in place for flooringiyaahkisuun
ᐃᔭᑯᓂᒻvtishe/he buries it in the snowiyaakuunim
ᐃᔭᑯᓇᐛᐤvtashe/he buries him/her, it (anim) in the snowiyaakuunaawaaw
ᐃᔭᐧᑲᐱᔅᑲᐤviiit (stone, metal) is light-weightiyaahkaapiskaaw
ᐃᔭᐧᑲᐱᔅᒋᓱᐤvaiit (anim, stone, metal) is light-weightiyaahkaapischisuw
ᐃᔭᒂᒪᔨᑎᒧᐅᓐnicaution, heed, prudenceiyaakwaamaayihtimuuun
ᐃᔭᒂᒪᔨᑎᒻvtishe/he is cautious, alert, prudentiyaakwaamaayihtim
ᐃᔭᒋᑕᐤvai+oshe/he makes it light-weight, she/he lightens itiyaachiihtaaw
ᐃᔭᒋᑕᔨᑎᒻvtishe/he finds it different or strangeiyaahchitaayihtim
ᐃᔭᒋᑕᔨᒪᐤvtashe/he finds him/her different or strangeiyaahchitaayimaaw
ᐃᔭᒋᒪᐤvtashe/he feeds him/her, it (anim)iyaachimaaw
ᐃᔭᒋᓯᓇᑯᓐviiit looks different or unlikeiyaahchiisinaakun
ᐃᔭᒋᓯᓇᑯᓱᐤvaishe/he looks different or unlikeiyaahchiisinaakusuw
ᐃᔭᒐᐤnawhite sucker (Catostomeus commersoni)iyaachaaw
ᐃᔭᒡp (manner)differentiyaahch
ᐃᔭᓯᑎᔅᑲᐤviiit is an area of balsam fir treesiiyaasiihtiskaaw
ᐃᔭᓯᑐᐛᔅᑯᑕᐤvaishe/he is seen walking among the treesiyaasiihtuwaaskuuhtaaw