Browse Naskapi - English

ᑕᑈᒥᑭᓐviiit is true, it speaks the truthtaapwaamikin
ᑕᑈᒪᐤvtashe/he tells the truth about him/hertaapwaamaaw
ᑕᑈᔨᑎᒻvtishe/he believes ittaapwaayihtim
ᑕᑈᔭᔨᑎᒧᐅᓐnifaith, trusttaapwaayaayihtimuuun
ᑕᑈᔭᔨᑎᒻvtishe/he has faith, she/he trusts in ittaapwaayaayihtim
ᑕᑈᔭᔨᒧᐤvaishe/he has faith, trusts in somethingtaapwaayaayimuw
ᑕᑈᔭᔨᒪᐤvtashe/he has faith in him/her, she/he trusts him/hertaapwaayaayimaaw
ᑕᑎᐊᐤ vtashe/he puts him/her, it (anim) on top of somethingtaatiiaaw
ᑕᑎᐳᐛᑭᓐnichair, seattaahtipuwaakin
ᑕᑎᐸᐅᐊᒻvtishe/he paddles around the far side of the pointtaatipaauham
ᑕᑎᐸᐛᐤvaishe/he walks around the far side of the pointtaatipaawaaw
ᑕᑎᐸᐛᐱᔪᐤvaishe/he goes around to the far side of the point by canoe, boattaatipaawaapiyuw
ᑕᑎᐸᐛᔅᑕᐸᐤvaishe/he pulls a load around the far side of a mountaintaatipaawaastaapaaw
ᑕᑎᐸᐤp (space)in the lee of the point, the far sidetaatipaaw
ᑕᑎᐸᓂᔅᑕᐤvtishe/he sorts it/themtaatipaanishtaaw
ᑕᑎᒂᔎᔭᐤviiit is level wooded groundtaatikwaaskwaayaaw
ᑕᑎᔅᑕᐤvtishe/he puts it on top of somethingtaatistaahw
ᑕᑎᔅᑕᐱᑎᒻvtishe/he pulls it and it blasts (ex trigger)taahtistaapitim
ᑕᑎᔅᑕᐱᔪᐤvaiit (gun) shoots, goes off after being bumped on somethingtaahtistaapiyuw
ᑕᑐᐃᔅᐱᓴᐤp (quantity)how many, so many milestaahtuispisaaw
ᑕᑐᐎᒡp (quantity)how many, so many locations, places, kindstaahtuwiich
ᑕᑐᐛᐸᑲᐃᑭᓂᔅᒋᐧᒄp (quantity)how many, so many tubsfultaahtuwaapaakaahiikinischiihkw
ᑕᑐᐱᑎᒻvtishe/he tears it, rips it opentaatupitim
ᑕᑐᐱᑕᐤvtashe/he tears it (anim), rips it (anim) opentaatupitaaw
ᑕᑐᐳᓇᒥᑭᓇviiit is (x) years oldusually pluraltaahtupunaamikina