Browse Naskapi - English

ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐛᐱᓇᐤvtashe/he throws him/her, it (anim) downhillniihtichiwaawaapinaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐤ1viiit slopes downniihtichiwaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐤ2vaishe/he walks downhillniihtichiwaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐱᑕᐤvaishe/he takes something downhill, drivingniihtichiwaapiihtaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐱᔪᐤ1vai/iishe/he, it goes downhill in a vehicleniihtichiwaapiyuw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐱᔪᐤ2vaishe/he falls down the bankniihtichiwaapiyuw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐸᐊᒻvtishe/he knocks it downhillniihtichiwaapaaham
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᐸᑕᐤvaishe/he runs downhillniihtichiwaapaahtaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᑐᑕᐤvai+oshe/he carries it on her/his back downhillniihtichiwaatuutaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᑕᐊᐤvtashe/he takes another (anim) downhillniihtichiwaahtaahaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᑕᐸᐤvaishe/he pulls a load downhillniihtichiwaataapaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᒍᓐviiit flows down (the bank)niihtichiwaachuun
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᔭᐤviiit forms a downhill slantniihtichiwaayaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᔭᑯᓇᐤvaishe/he goes down a snowy slope wearing no snowshoesniihtichiwaayaakuunaaw
ᓂᑎᒋᐛᔭᔅᑯᐱᑕᐤvaishe/he goes down a snowy slope in a hurry or by vehicleniihtichiwaayaaskupitaaw
ᓂᑎᒥᒄp (space)anywhere, somewherenitimikw
ᓂᑎᒥᒡp (space)upstreamnitimiihch
ᓂᑎᓯᐱᔅᑐᓇᔅᑯᐛᐤvtashe/he forces it (anim, stick-like) out of a socket (ex bar of snowshoe out of frame)nitisipiistunaaskuwaaw
ᓂᑎᔅᑭᒻ1vtishe/he knocks it downniihtiskim
ᓂᑎᔅᑭᒻ2vtishe/he walks to meet it at a certain point, cross its pathnitiskim
ᓂᑎᔅᑯᐛᐤvtashe/he knocks him/her, it (anim) downniihtiskuwaaw
ᓂᑎᔭᒋᒧᐤvaishe/he tells false storiesnitiyaachimuw
ᓂᑎᔭᒋᒪᐤvtashe/he tells false stories about him/hernitiyaachimaaw
ᓂᑐᐎᐅᑎᒻvtishe/he is hunting for it, looks for itnituuwiiutim