Browse Naskapi - English

ᓴᒋᐸᐤvai/iishe/he, it sticks out of the watersaachipaaw
ᓴᒋᐸᐳᐤvaishe/he sticks out of the water, sittingsaachipaapuw
ᓴᒋᐸᑕᐤ1vai+oshe/he places it in the water with a part sticking outsaachipaahtaaw
ᓴᒋᐸᑕᐤ2vaishe/he runs into viewsaachipaahtaaw
ᓴᒋᐸᑯᑎᓐviiit is in the water with part of it sticking outsaachipaakutin
ᓴᒋᐸᑯᑕᐤvai+oshe/he soaks it in the water with part sticking outsaachipaakuuhtaaw
ᓴᒋᐸᑯᒋᒧᐤvaishe/he sits in the water with part sticking outsaachipaakuchimuw
ᓴᒋᐸᑯᒋᒪᐤvtashe/he places him/her in the water with part sticking outsaachipaakuchimaaw
ᓴᒋᐸᑯᒋᓐvaishe/he is in the water with part of him/her sticking outsaachipaakuchin
ᓴᒋᐸᑲᐳᐤvaishe/he, it (anim) sticks out of the water, standingsaachipaakaapuuw
ᓴᒋᐸᒋᔅᑎᒂᓇᑲᐳᐤvaishe/he stands in the water with her/his head sticking outsaachipaachistikwaanaakaapuuw
ᓴᒋᐸᓯᒪᐤvtashe/he puts it in the water with a part sticking outsaachipaasimaaw
ᓴᒋᐸᔅᑕᐤvai+oshe/he places it in the watersaachipaastaaw
ᓴᒋᑎᓐviiit sticks outsaachiihtin
ᓴᒋᑕᐤ1vai+oshe/he loves itsaachihtaaw
ᓴᒋᑕᐤ2vai+oshe/he sticks it outsaachiihtaaw
ᓴᒋᑭᒋᐱᑎᒻvtishe/he pulls it backwardssaachikichipitim
ᓴᒋᑭᒋᐱᑕᐤvtashe/he pulls him/her, it (anim) backwardssaachikichipitaaw
ᓴᒋᑯᐤvai/iiit (liquid) comes out from theresaachikuuw
ᓴᒋᑯᓇᐊᐤvtashe/he makes him/her, it (anim) visible, stick out above the snowsaachikuunaahaaw
ᓴᒋᑯᓇᐤvai/iishe/he, it is visible, sticks out above the snowsaachikuunaaw
ᓴᒋᑯᓇᑲᐳᐤvaishe/he stands in the snow up to her/his thighssaachikuunaakaapuuw
ᓴᒋᑯᓇᔅᑕᐤvai+oshe/he makes it visible, stick out above the snowsaachikuunaastaaw
ᓴᒋᑲᑕᓯᓐvaishe/he lies with her/his legs sticking out from, through somethingsaachikaataasin
ᓴᒋᔎᐤvaishe/he sticks her/his head out through a doorwaysaachiskwaaw