Naskapi - English

ᑕᔅᑲᔅᑯᒍᐤvaiit (anim) is split by freezingtaaskaaskuchuw
ᑕᔅᑲᔅᑯᓐviiit (stick-like) is splittaaskaaskun
ᑕᔅᑲᔅᑯᓱᐤvaiit (anim, stick-like) is splittaaskaaskusuw
ᑕᔅᑲᔨᑕᐤvaishe/he splits woodtaaskaayihtaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᐱᑎᒻvtishe/he tears it in twotaaschipitim
ᑕᔅᒋᐱᑕᐤvtashe/he tears it (anim) in twotaaschipitaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᐱᔪᐤvai/iiit splitstaaschipiyuw
ᑕᔅᒋᐳᑕᐤvai+oshe/he splits it by sawingtaaschiputaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᐳᒐᐤvaishe/he runs the sawmilltaaschipuchaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᐳᔭᐤvtashe/he splits it (anim) by sawingtaaschipuyaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᑎᑲᐤviiit (useful wood) is splittaaschiihtikaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᑎᒋᐱᔪᐤvai/iiit (useful wood) splits, crackstaaschiihtichipiyuw
ᑕᔅᒋᑎᒋᓱᐤvaiit (anim, useful wood) is splittaaschiihtichisuw
ᑕᔅᒋᑕᐤvai+oshe/he splits it by throwing it downtaaschiihtaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᑲᐊᒻvtishe/he splits it with an axetaaschikaaham
ᑕᔅᒋᑲᐛᐤvtashe/he splits it (anim) with an axetaaschikaahwaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᓂᒻvtishe/he splits it with her/his handstaaschinim
ᑕᔅᒋᓇᐤvtashe/he splits it (anim) with her/his handstaaschinaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᓯᑯᐱᔪᐤvai/iithe ice splitstaaschisikupiyuw
ᑕᔅᒋᓯᑯᒍᓐviithe current makes a split in the icetaaschisikuchuun
ᑕᔅᒋᓯᒂᐤviiit is a split, a crack, a crevice in the icetaaschisikwaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᓯᒪᐤvtashe/he splits it (anim) by throwing it downtaaschisimaaw
ᑕᔅᒋᓯᒻvtishe/he splits it with a knifetaaschisim
ᑕᔅᒋᔅᑭᒻvtishe/he splits it by her/his body or feettaaschiskim