The Nchane-English dictionary and English-Nchane Index has been prepared primarily for speakers of the Nchane language, though it will also be of interest to non-Nchane speakers who desire to learn or study the language. The dictionary will serve to:
- establish a written tradition among the Nchane people.
- establish standards for spelling words, compound words, and clarifying word boundaries in conformity with the Nchane Orthography Guide of 2021.
- preserve Nchane words that may fall into disuse as time passes and language shift occurs.
- be a resource book or reference source for all teachers and students of the Nchane language.
- help non-Nchane speakers learn to understand and appreciate Nchane as a spoken and written language.
- help language researchers who seek word lists of an African language.
raise the status of the Nchane language in joining the ranks of all other written languages throughout the world.