da₁ v 11 to beat 2to hit 3to kick 42 to pluck 53 to judge guilty; to trap 64 to spring up 7 8 9 10 11to put a curse on 12
da se̱ v 1to lie on; to roof (with tin) 2
da-rɔ 1v to fall 2v down 3adv
daa₁ n 1 man's elder BROTHER; 2 woman's elder SISTER; 3 older COUSIN
daa₃ v 1to praise 2to condemn 3
daa₄ Aux V to come before
daa₅ adv 1never 2ever 3at all (GE); not at all (E); ever
daa saŋsa ? to assemble for war
daa se̱ v to do before, to do first; to continue
daabii Excl 1no 2no, never
daabɔye̱po̱ n cruel person
daakɔɔre̱ n 1pants 2loincloth
daane̱ke̱na Excl I sympathize with you; I send my condolences.
daase̱e̱ Excl 1thanks 2to thank
daasi n 1chronic sores; tetanus (??) 2
daataapo̱₁ n 1rival 2enemy 3(irreg. infl. taataapo̱₁)
dabe̱ 1Adj big 2Adj great 3Adj fat 4Adj 5n
dabo̱rɔ se̱ v 1to start 2