aluexclamation1look there!to alert someone to something that’s just happenedWatjarnu, ‘Alu! Kuka katingu,’ parltjatjirratja nyinarranyangka.She said, ‘Look! He’s brought meat,’ when someone was hungry.2hey look what you’ve done!usually said to someone who has done something which others would disapprove of
ayiheyexclamation, attention grabber1hey, oh noindicates disapproval, or disappointmentAyi, warntu yungarra kanyinma. Warntu ngayukutarrartun yuulira.Hey, (just) keep your own blanket. You’re claiming my blanket too.Wirra piti tjinguru pararltjalkaku. ‘Ayi-rnatju mara palyarringu raatjunu.’A digging bowl or carrying bowl (that you’ve made) might split. (Then you might say), ‘Oh no, I did it so carefully and all for nothing.’2heyindicates surprise and incredulityAyi, yayirninytjulu palyarnu rurrkutjingarnu.Hey, he cleverly fixed (the car) and got it going.3heyto get someone’s attentionMuku-mukulku watjalku, ‘Ayi, mawirrtjala tjiinya mantjila.’You persuade someone and say, ‘Hey, go and get that thing over there.’See alsokayiwarralku